>> demoASIFT Error using disp Too many output arguments. Error in demoASIFT (line 105) [ HrLPointsTmp1 ] = harrislpls( imgSimulated, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistanceMatrix, ThreshType, Harris

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
sir kindly please help me to rectify this coding sir. i m getting this error in ASIFT which i have downloaded from matlab file exchange.
">> demoASIFT
Error using disp
Too many output arguments.
Error in demoASIFT (line 105)
[ HrLPointsTmp1 ] = harrislpls( imgSimulated, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector,
BorderDistanceMatrix, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars );
% assumption, that we have img1 and img2.
img1 = imread('ORIGINAL1.jpg');
img2 = imread('FAKE.1jpg.jpg');
if ndims(img1) == 3
img1gr = rgb2gray( img1 );
img1gr = img1;
if ndims(img2) == 3
img2gr = rgb2gray( img2 );
img2gr = img2;
[ m1, n1 ] = size( img1gr );
[ m2, n2 ] = size( img2gr );
%-------------------- Parameters -------------------%
SwitchWaitbars = 'off'; % 'off'/'on'
%--------------- Descriptors 4 FP ------------------%
TypeOfFP = 'Aff'; % 'Aff'/'HL'
TypeOfDescriptor = 'SIFT'; % there is possibility to add diferent type of descr., however I've implemented only SIFT.
NOfWindows = 4; % near each FP will be taken NOfWindows^2 of windows of size 4x4
AngleBinDescript = 45; % degrees
ThreshDescript = 0.2;
FactorDescript = 1.5;
StepSampleFunction = @(x) sqrt(1+x^2);
%-------------------- 'ASIFT' ----------------------%
TiltVectorRange = sqrt(2).^([ 0 1 2 3 4 ]); % also can be taken (0, 3 - 5)
StepAngleFunction = @(x) 72/x; % 72/x
TypeOfViewSimulation = 'both'; % 'first'/'second'/'both'
% which image views need to simulate
BlureTilt = 'no'; % 'yes'/'no'
BlureSigmaFunction = @(x) sqrt( x^2 - 1 ); % depends on tilt value
%--------------------- Harris ----------------------%
TypeOfCornerDetector = 'HarmonicMean'; % 'Harris'/'HarmonicMean'
TypeOfNBHOOD = 'const'; % 'const'/'dif'. 'dif' - depends on scale
NBHOOD = ones(3); % scalar or binar matrix, specifying neighberhood
BorderDistance = 3*NOfWindows;
ThreshType = 'const'; % 'const'/'percent'
HarrisThresh = 10; % in case of 'HarmonicMean', thresh ~ 10, Harris ~ 1000
k = 0.055; % parameter for Harris function
Dilate = 'no'; % 'yes'/'no'
radius = 2;
sigma_nmbr = 3;
dispMatches = 0; % 0/1
%--------------- Main Orientation -----------------%
ThreshMainOrient = 0.8;
FactorMainOrient = 1.5;
AngleBinMainOrient = 10;
TypeOfMainOrient = 'some'; % 'one'/'some'. 'one' - for each FP take only one Main Orientation
% ( take it, if this orient. is the only one bigger then ThreshMainOrient % of it's value )
% 'some' - take all orientations, that bigger then thresh, described above.
%----------------- Matching FPs -------------------%
TypeOfSearch = 'determ'; %'determ' 1/2, 'kmeans','kNN', 'ANN', for not big data preferable 'determ' 2,
% 'kmeans' - just for experiment.
HelpScalarOrVector = 2;
TypeOfMatchThresh = 'first/second&first'; % 'first' / 'first/second' / 'first/second&first'
ThreshFS = 0.78; % thresh for first/second ( 0.5 - ~0.8 )
% need to worry that, if there is a big difference in viewpoints between
% images, then take ~0.55 - 0.61, else can be taken ~0.75 - 0.8
ThreshF = 0.5; % thresh for first ( 0.33 - 0.55 )
%----------- Simulating views for ASIFT --------------%
if strcmp( TypeOfViewSimulation, 'first' ) || strcmp( TypeOfViewSimulation, 'both' )
cnt1 = 1;
DescriptHrLPoints1 = {};
HrLOrntPoints1 = {};
img1Orig = img1gr;
for t = TiltVectorRange
DeltaPhi = StepAngleFunction( t );
for phi = 0:DeltaPhi:(180-eps)
phiAngle = deg2rad( phi );
% defining tilt and longitude affin simulation matrix
T = zeros( 3 );
Tilt = eye(2);
Tilt(1) = t;
R = [ cos(phiAngle) -sin(phiAngle); sin(phiAngle) cos(phiAngle) ];
Aff = Tilt*R;
T( 1:2, 1:2 ) = Aff';
Tf = maketform('affine',T); % affine transformation for view-simulation
if strcmp(BlureTilt, 'yes')
sigma = BlureSigmaFunction( t );
if sigma > 0
g = fspecial( 'gaussian', [ 1, round( 6*sigma ) + 1 ], sigma );
img1gr = imfilter( img1Orig, g, 'same' );
img1gr = img1Orig;
img1gr = img1Orig;
BorderDistanceMatrix = zeros( m1, n1 );
BorderDistanceMatrix( (BorderDistance + 1):(m1 - BorderDistance), (BorderDistance + 1):(n1 - BorderDistance) ) = 1;
[ imgSimulated, xdata, ydata ] = imtransform( img1gr, Tf );
BorderDistanceMatrix = imtransform( BorderDistanceMatrix, Tf, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata );
%- Finding FP and they char. scale (Harris-Laplace) -%
[ HrLPointsTmp1 ] = harrislpls( imgSimulated, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistanceMatrix, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars );
%----------- Finding Main Orientation -------------%
[ HrLOrntPointsTmp1 ] = mainOrient( HrLPointsTmp1, imgSimulated, ThreshMainOrient, FactorMainOrient, AngleBinMainOrient, TypeOfMainOrient, SwitchWaitbars );
%------------------ Descripting -------------------%
[ DescriptHrLPointsTmp1 ] = descriptFPoints( HrLOrntPointsTmp1, imgSimulated, TypeOfDescriptor, NOfWindows, StepSampleFunction, AngleBinDescript, ThreshDescript, FactorDescript, SwitchWaitbars );
%----- Converting FP coordinates to original ------%
% back to coordinates, before shift for image coord. ( xdata(1) -> 1, ydata(1) -> 1 )
HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, [ 2 5 ] ) = HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, [ 2 5 ] ) - 1 + xdata(1);
HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, [ 1 4 ] ) = HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, [ 1 4 ] ) - 1 + ydata(1);
% back to original image coordinates
tmp = tforminv( Tf, HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 5 ), HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 4 ));
HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 2 ) = round(tmp(:,1)); HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 1 ) = round(tmp(:,2));
HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 1 ) = max( HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 1 ), 1 ); HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 1 ) = min( HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 1 ), m1 );
HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 2 ) = max( HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 2 ), 1 ); HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 2 ) = min( HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 2 ), n1 );
HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 5 ) = tmp(:,1); HrLOrntPointsTmp1( :, 4 ) = tmp(:,2);
% adding FP to all FP, that were founded before
DescriptHrLPoints1{cnt1} = DescriptHrLPointsTmp1;
HrLOrntPoints1{cnt1} = HrLOrntPointsTmp1;
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1;
[ HrLPoints1 ] = harrislpls( img1gr, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistance, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars );
%----------- Finding Main Orientation -------------%
[ HrLOrntPoints1 ] = mainOrient( HrLPoints1, img1gr, ThreshMainOrient, FactorMainOrient, AngleBinMainOrient, TypeOfMainOrient, SwitchWaitbars );
%------------------ Descripting -------------------%
[ DescriptHrLPoints1 ] = descriptFPoints( HrLOrntPoints1, img1gr, TypeOfDescriptor, NOfWindows, StepSampleFunction, AngleBinDescript, ThreshDescript, FactorDescript, SwitchWaitbars );
% save('test.mat');
if strcmp( TypeOfViewSimulation, 'second' ) || strcmp( TypeOfViewSimulation, 'both' )
cnt2 = 1;
DescriptHrLPoints2 = {};
HrLOrntPoints2 = {};
img2Orig = img2gr;
for t = TiltVectorRange
DeltaPhi = StepAngleFunction( t );
for phi = 0:DeltaPhi:(180-eps)
phiAngle = deg2rad( phi );
% defining tilt and longitude affin simulation matrix
T = zeros( 3 );
Tilt = eye(2);
Tilt(1) = t;
R = [ cos(phiAngle) -sin(phiAngle); sin(phiAngle) cos(phiAngle) ];
Aff = Tilt*R;
T( 1:2, 1:2 ) = Aff';
Tf = maketform('affine',T); % affine transformation for view-simulation
if strcmp(BlureTilt, 'yes')
sigma = BlureSigmaFunction( t );
if sigma > 0
g = fspecial( 'gaussian', [ 1, round( 6*sigma ) + 1 ], sigma );
img2gr = imfilter( img2Orig, g, 'same' );
img2gr = img2Orig;
img2gr = img2Orig;
BorderDistanceMatrix = zeros( m2, n2 );
BorderDistanceMatrix( (BorderDistance + 1):(m2 - BorderDistance), (BorderDistance + 1):(n2 - BorderDistance) ) = 1;
[ imgSimulated, xdata, ydata ] = imtransform( img2gr, Tf );
BorderDistanceMatrix = imtransform( BorderDistanceMatrix, Tf, 'xdata', xdata, 'ydata', ydata );
%- Finding FP and they char. scale (Harris-Laplace) -%
[ HrLPointsTmp2 ] = harrislpls( imgSimulated, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistanceMatrix, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars );
%----------- Finding Main Orientation -------------%
[ HrLOrntPointsTmp2 ] = mainOrient( HrLPointsTmp2, imgSimulated, ThreshMainOrient, FactorMainOrient, AngleBinMainOrient, TypeOfMainOrient, SwitchWaitbars );
%------------------ Descripting -------------------%
[ DescriptHrLPointsTmp2 ] = descriptFPoints( HrLOrntPointsTmp2, imgSimulated, TypeOfDescriptor, NOfWindows, StepSampleFunction, AngleBinDescript, ThreshDescript, FactorDescript, SwitchWaitbars );
%----- Converting FP coordinates to original ------%
% back to coordinates, before shift for image coord. ( xdata(1) -> 1, ydata(1) -> 1 )
HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, [ 2 5 ] ) = HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, [ 2 5 ] ) - 1 + xdata(1);
HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, [ 1 4 ] ) = HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, [ 1 4 ] ) - 1 + ydata(1);
% back to original image coordinates
tmp = tforminv( Tf, HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 5 ), HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 4 ));
HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 2 ) = round(tmp(:,1)); HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 1 ) = round(tmp(:,2));
HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 1 ) = max( HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 1 ), 1 ); HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 1 ) = min( HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 1 ), m2 );
HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 2 ) = max( HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 2 ), 1 ); HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 2 ) = min( HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 2 ), n2 );
HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 5 ) = tmp(:,1); HrLOrntPointsTmp2( :, 4 ) = tmp(:,2);
% adding FP to all FP, that were founded before
DescriptHrLPoints2{cnt2} = DescriptHrLPointsTmp2;
HrLOrntPoints2{cnt2} = HrLOrntPointsTmp2;
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1;
[ HrLPoints2 ] = harrislpls( img2gr, TypeOfNBHOOD, NBHOOD, TypeOfCornerDetector, BorderDistance, ThreshType, HarrisThresh, k, Dilate, radius, sigma_nmbr, disp, SwitchWaitbars );
%----------- Finding Main Orientation -------------%
[ HrLOrntPoints2 ] = mainOrient( HrLPoints2, img2gr, ThreshMainOrient, FactorMainOrient, AngleBinMainOrient, TypeOfMainOrient, SwitchWaitbars );
%------------------ Descripting -------------------%
[ DescriptHrLPoints2 ] = descriptFPoints( HrLOrntPoints2, img2gr, TypeOfDescriptor, NOfWindows, StepSampleFunction, AngleBinDescript, ThreshDescript, FactorDescript, SwitchWaitbars );
% save('test.mat');
switch TypeOfViewSimulation
case 'first'
Match1 = []; Match2 = [];
for i = 1:(cnt1-1)
switch TypeOfMatchThresh
case 'first'
Thresh = ThreshF;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1{i}, DescriptHrLPoints2, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, TypeOfMatchThresh, Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind = find( MatchedPairs );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1{i}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
ind = MatchedPairs( ind );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
case 'first/second'
Thresh = ThreshFS;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1{i}, DescriptHrLPoints2, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, TypeOfMatchThresh, Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind = find( MatchedPairs );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1{i}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
ind = MatchedPairs( ind );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
case 'first/second&first'
Thresh = ThreshFS;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1{i}, DescriptHrLPoints2, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, 'first/second', Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind1 = find( MatchedPairs );
ind2 = MatchedPairs( ind1 );
% take only those pairs, that are at distance each from other less then ThreshF
ind = find( sqrt(sum( ((DescriptHrLPoints1{i}( ind1, : ) - DescriptHrLPoints2( ind2, : )).^2), 2 )) <= ThreshF );
ind1 = ind1( ind );
ind2 = ind2( ind );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1{i}( ind1, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2( ind2, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
Match1 = [ Match1; Match1Tmp ]; Match2 = [ Match2; Match2Tmp ];
case 'second'
Match1 = []; Match2 = [];
for i = 1:(cnt2-1)
switch TypeOfMatchThresh
case 'first'
Thresh = ThreshF;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1, DescriptHrLPoints2{i}, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, TypeOfMatchThresh, Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind = find( MatchedPairs );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
ind = MatchedPairs( ind );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2{i}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
case 'first/second'
Thresh = ThreshFS;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1, DescriptHrLPoints2{i}, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, TypeOfMatchThresh, Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind = find( MatchedPairs );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
ind = MatchedPairs( ind );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2{i}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
case 'first/second&first'
Thresh = ThreshFS;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1, DescriptHrLPoints2{i}, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, 'first/second', Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind1 = find( MatchedPairs );
ind2 = MatchedPairs( ind1 );
% take only those pairs, that are at distance each from other less then ThreshF
ind = find( sqrt(sum( ((DescriptHrLPoints1( ind1, : ) - DescriptHrLPoints2{i}( ind2, : )).^2), 2 )) <= ThreshF );
ind1 = ind1( ind );
ind2 = ind2( ind );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1( ind1, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2{i}( ind2, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
Match1 = [ Match1; Match1Tmp ]; Match2 = [ Match2; Match2Tmp ];
case 'both'
Match1 = []; Match2 = [];
for i = 1:(cnt1 - 1)
for j = 1:(cnt2 -1)
switch TypeOfMatchThresh
case 'first'
Thresh = ThreshF;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1{i}, DescriptHrLPoints2{j}, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, TypeOfMatchThresh, Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind = find( MatchedPairs );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1{i}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
ind = MatchedPairs( ind );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2{j}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
case 'first/second'
Thresh = ThreshFS;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1{i}, DescriptHrLPoints2{j}, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, TypeOfMatchThresh, Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind = find( MatchedPairs );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1{i}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
ind = MatchedPairs( ind );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2{j}( ind, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
case 'first/second&first'
Thresh = ThreshFS;
[ MatchedPairs ] = matchFPoints( DescriptHrLPoints1{i}, DescriptHrLPoints2{j}, TypeOfSearch, HelpScalarOrVector, 'first/second', Thresh, SwitchWaitbars );
ind1 = find( MatchedPairs );
ind2 = MatchedPairs( ind1 );
% take only those pairs, that are at distance each from other less then ThreshF
ind = find( sqrt(sum( ((DescriptHrLPoints1{i}( ind1, : ) - DescriptHrLPoints2{j}( ind2, : )).^2), 2 )) <= ThreshF );
ind1 = ind1( ind );
ind2 = ind2( ind );
Match1Tmp = HrLOrntPoints1{i}( ind1, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
Match2Tmp = HrLOrntPoints2{j}( ind2, [ 1 2 3 end ] );
Match1 = [ Match1; Match1Tmp ]; Match2 = [ Match2; Match2Tmp ];
% PlotMatches( img1, Match1Tmp, img2, Match2Tmp, 'sigma', TypeOfFP );
%--------------------- Ploting --------------------%
PlotMatches( img1, Match1, img2, Match2, 'sigma', TypeOfFP );

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 4월 24일
That appears to be a bug in the code.
Change the two references to disp into dispMatches
  댓글 수: 30
vani shree
vani shree 2017년 5월 6일
편집: vani shree 2017년 5월 6일
sir what do i do now sir? cant i get the same output?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017년 5월 6일
I do not know. You did not attach your FPS_in_images so that I could verify that we are using the same code.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

xingkun li
xingkun li 2018년 4월 12일
you can copy these functions to the floder,such as : harrislpls..


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