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How do I use tooltip string in app designer

조회 수: 122 (최근 30일)
Frank van Diggelen
Frank van Diggelen 2017년 4월 11일
댓글: Brendan Nichols 2019년 1월 22일
I want to have help text when the cursor hovers over buttons created in app designer.
With uicontrol in a figure I can do this with: uicontrol('Style', 'Pushbutton', 'String', 'Hello','ToolTipString','This is the tooltip string')
but how do you do this within app designer?

채택된 답변

Stephen Jue
Stephen Jue 2017년 4월 14일
There is currently no way to add tooltips in App Designer. This is known to the developers and they are working to add this to a future release of MATLAB.
  댓글 수: 3
Alvaro Aguilar
Alvaro Aguilar 2018년 9월 13일
Is there an update to when tooltips will be added to MATLAB App Designer?
Melissa Williams
Melissa Williams 2018년 11월 26일
R2018b supports tooltips. See more below

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추가 답변 (5개)

Timothy Stewart
Timothy Stewart 2018년 9월 18일
2018b supports Tooltips.
"Tooltips: Create custom tooltips for UI components in apps Set the Tooltip property on a UI component to display a tooltip when the user hovers the mouse over the component at run time. Tooltips display even when the components are disabled.
The Tooltip property is available for UI components in App Designer apps and in figures created with the uifigure function.
If you are creating an app using GUIDE or the figure function, use the Tooltip property instead of the TooltipString property on UIControl, Table, Tab, PushTool, and ToggleTool UI components. For details, see TooltipString property is not recommended."

Melissa Williams
Melissa Williams 2018년 10월 25일
In 18b App Designer, you can use the Property Inspector from code or design view to add tooltips to your components - the code will automatically be generated for you as for other property sets.

Sonia Suarez
Sonia Suarez 2017년 10월 2일
on your opening function for your guide try:
handles.pushbutton1.TooltipString=['This is the Tooltip string!', char(10), ... 'And a 2nd line also.']);
  댓글 수: 1
Frank van Diggelen
Frank van Diggelen 2017년 11월 9일
I tried this in appdesigner, but it doesnt work there:
app.buttonGetFile.TooltipString=['This is the Tooltip string!']
No public property TooltipString exists for class matlab.ui.control.Button.

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Gianluigi 2018년 11월 7일
Hi, I have installed the R2018b but still I am not able to add a tooltipstring to any element, button, listbox, etc
  댓글 수: 2
Lothar 2019년 1월 16일
I've installed R2018b and tooltip in App Designer works well. To use the App in R2018a fails cause of missing tooltip functionality. So I tried to remove the tooltip in App Designer, but this leads to an error message which prevents removal of the tooltip.
Anny suggestions on this ?
Brendan Nichols
Brendan Nichols 2019년 1월 22일
This is a known bug with removing tooltips. The only way around it is to delete and remake the object as far as I know.

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Amanda Irving
Amanda Irving 2018년 11월 26일
The name of the property to create a component specific tooltip is Tooltip
app.buttonGetFile = uibutton;
app.buttonGetFile.Tooltip=['This is the Tooltip string!']


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