Hello friends, i am trying to use a 'softscope' but am getting errors. Basically am not able to use it. This is the error "SOFTSCOPE can not be started: The DAQ Legacy Interface is not supported on this platform.".

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
i tried to use "daq.createSession('ni')" then it gave me this: 'The vendor 'ni' is not known. Use 'daq.getVendors()' for a list of vendors.' Then i used
'daq.getVendors()', this was the output:
Data acquisition vendor 'National Instruments':
_ _ID: 'ni'
FullName: 'National Instruments'
AdaptorVersion: '3.8 (R2015b)'
DriverVersion: 'unknown'
IsOperational: false
Warning: Diagnostic Information from vendor: NI: The required MEX file to communicate with National Instruments hardware could not be loaded.
The attempt gave the Error ID of
'MATLAB:invalidMEXFile' and the message
'Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\daq\daq\+daq\+ni\+NIDAQmx\private\mexNIDAQmx.mexw64': A dynamic link library (DLL)
initialization routine failed.'.__
To understand my problem i guess you might need this__
> daqsupport('ADAPTOR','myfile.txt') which outputs this on my system:
----------General Information ----------
Current Time & Date:
10-Apr-2017 14:52:17
Operating System:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
Hardware Configuration:
x86 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
The measured CPU speed is 3201 MHz
RAM is 10179 MB
Swap space is 20071 MB
PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 = undefined
MATLAB version: (R2015b)
Data Acquisition Toolbox version:
Name: 'Data Acquisition Toolbox'
Version: '3.8'
Release: '(R2015b)'
Date: '13-Aug-2015'
MATLAB License Number:
----------MATLAB root directory: ----------
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b
----------Data Acquisition Toolbox directory: ----------
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\daq
----------DAQ Session Based Vendors Available: ----------
Data acquisition vendor 'National Instruments':
ID: 'ni'
FullName: 'National Instruments'
AdaptorVersion: '3.8 (R2015b)'
DriverVersion: 'unknown'
IsOperational: false
[Warning: Diagnostic Information from vendor: NI: There was a driver error while
loading the MEX file to communicate with National Instruments hardware.
It is possible that the NI-DAQmx driver is not installed or is older than
the required minimum version of '9.1'.
Additional information:
'Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015b\toolbox\daq\daq\+daq\+ni\+NIDAQmx\private\mexNIDAQmx.mexw64': The specified module could not
be found.']
----------DAQ Session Based Devices Available: ----------
No data acquisition devices available.
  댓글 수: 4
dpb 2017년 4월 12일
I've not had the DAQ Toolboxen so wasn't sure whether the mex files were TMW or vendor supplied; hence I wasn't sure whether needed only to update the Toolbox or also neeeded stuff directly from NI. I figured probably it was all in the toolbox but just wasn't positive.

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