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How to segment/partition point cloud into upper and lower layers?

조회 수: 11 (최근 30일)
Di Zhu
Di Zhu 2017년 4월 5일
댓글: Image Analyst 2022년 3월 7일
This problem has been troubling me for long. I have attached a dataset of unorganized point cloud. It is the partial surface of a cartilage, and it's clear that it has upper and lower surfaces. Now I'd like to use Matlab to divide the point cloud into upper and lower parts, any idea how I could do this? I thought about local search method grid by grid then separating them from the mid-plane. But this method seems very limited and doesn't work well for dataset with a severe slope.
Alternatively, I could look to segment a contour slice of it into upper and lower part. I just need a rough segmentation, the left and right end points don't matter much. After segmentation, I'd do a B-Spline surface approximation.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 4월 5일
Assuming you have (x,y,z) coordinates and want to find points above and below some specified z value:
zDivider = -41; % Dividing line between upper and lower points.
lowerPointsIndexes = z < zDivider; % Logical index.
% Now extract out x, y, and z for the lower part
xLower = x(lowerPointsIndexes);
yLower = y(lowerPointsIndexes);
zLower = z(lowerPointsIndexes);
% Now do for the upper points:
upperPointsIndexes = z >= zDivider; % Logical index.
% Now extract out x, y, and z for the lower part
xUpper = x(upperPointsIndexes);
yUpper = y(upperPointsIndexes);
zUpper = z(upperPointsIndexes);
  댓글 수: 4
stefano chiappini
stefano chiappini 2022년 3월 7일
Hi, i have a similar question. I have got a point cloud crown tree and i need slicing along z direction with with 10 cm thickness. Is there a way to create a list ? my aim is to compute the volume with alpha shape concern each singular slice.
Thank you so much
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022년 3월 7일
Not sure what you have. Do you have a 3-D volumetric image where the voxel value is 1 if a tree occupies that voxel? Do you just want to get the top most z value for every (x,y) coordinate? And then maybe fill in some "holes" where the top most z value is way down near the middle or bottom of the tree? If so, attach your variable in a .mat file.

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