How to make my Excel file Random?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
TABOUNI Khadidja
TABOUNI Khadidja 2017년 4월 3일
댓글: KSSV 2017년 4월 5일
Hello! my excel file contains data set 3617*2 the data set should be divided in to 2 the first data should be 2/3 from the 3617 sets each one has to have random rows , then i should use every set in testing and training for error reports .. I'm confused and new, can somebody help me?

답변 (1개)

KSSV 2017년 4월 4일
data = rand(3617,2) ;
[m,n] = size(data) ;
idx = round(2/3*m) ;
train_data = data(1:idx,:) ;
test_data = data(idx+1:end,:) ;
  댓글 수: 2
TABOUNI Khadidja
TABOUNI Khadidja 2017년 4월 4일
Hello Sir! Thank you for you help! Can I ask you something else? Bout the traning?
KSSV 2017년 4월 5일
I am not expert in NN. Accept this answer and pose a different question for that. some other expert will answer your query.

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