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Select Matlab compiler - Visual Studio Community 2017 & Matlab 2017a

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Andreas 2017년 3월 29일
댓글: Randy Taylor 2017년 5월 1일
Hello everyone,
I am using a Win 10 64 bit machine with Visual Studio Community (2017, basic compilers) installed. Is there a way, to use this as compiler for Matlab? My IT-department has troubles using MinGW, so we are halted to use Visual Studio.
Matlab: 2017a
Modules installed in VSC 2017:
Thanks in advance for any advice.
  댓글 수: 2
Atnas 2017년 4월 3일
편집: Atnas 2017년 4월 3일
I have the same issue. This is because Visual Studio 2017 is not a supported compiler for Matlab2017a (as you can see here: https://se.mathworks.com/support/compilers.html)
I went with SDK 7.1 Install instructions here: https://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/95039-why-does-the-sdk-7-1-installation-fail-with-an-installation-failed-message-on-my-windows-system#answer_104391
Randy Taylor
Randy Taylor 2017년 5월 1일
There appears to be a patch for this issue: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/335092-can-i-use-microsoft-visual-studio-2017-with-matlab

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