Monitor the real-time value of Analog to Digital (ADC) of DSP to Simulink

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Hossein 2012년 3월 23일
댓글: Zeb Kamran 2018년 5월 29일
Dear friends, I've connected the F28335 DSP to my simulink and using ADC for reading the value of voltage and current. Now,I wanna know ,can I monitor the real-time value of the input in simulink after code compose? I mean is there any connection between DSP and simulink after build the code?
  댓글 수: 2
Hossein 2012년 4월 5일
as I found,one way is using the serial port.but,I don't know yet.
Zeb Kamran
Zeb Kamran 2018년 5월 29일
Did you resolve this problem???????If yes please reply

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답변 (1개)

Ali Abushaiba
Ali Abushaiba 2015년 10월 11일
You can use SCI transmit and receive blocks to monitor your signals in simulink. see examples of this in the support package examples c2000.


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