reading orientation angle from a gyroscope

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Noor Zeid
Noor Zeid 2017년 3월 3일
댓글: Noor Zeid 2017년 3월 4일
I need to get orientation angle readings from the gyroscope block in the Simulink support package for android devices, I have made an app on my android device and this app contains gyroscope block, but I don't need angular velocity! I need angles in degrees, I tried to connect the gyroscope with an integrator, but the readings weren't correct! the values keep increasing even if I stopped moving!
  댓글 수: 2
James Tursa
James Tursa 2017년 3월 3일
Are you saying that the outputs from the gyroscope block are 0, but the integrator keeps generating an increasing angle when fed these 0 inputs?
Noor Zeid
Noor Zeid 2017년 3월 4일
yes, If the output is zero the integrator keeps increasing!

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