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Scaling from contour maps into a Sunlight flux map

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
victor law
victor law 2017년 3월 2일
댓글: victor law 2017년 3월 5일
Hi all! I made this contour map from an image of a concentrated sunlight into a focal spot. Image on the left is a contour map and the right is the 3D version of it. The current axis scaling is incorrect.
I know that the total power received is 7.2kW. The tip has the highest input power indicated in the yellow region and reduces towards the sides (blue regions).
I am not sure how I should approach it, my gut instincts tells me that the volume in the 2nd Image is = 7.2kW and if I can add up the number of cubes for a specific region, it should tell me the intensity of light?
Any suggestions/advice is appreciated!
The attached file is the matrix of the image.
  댓글 수: 1
victor law
victor law 2017년 3월 5일
Anyone have any ideas from what I have?
I have figured out an easy way to determine the volume but unsure what to do next.
volume = trapz(trapz(image))
I used trapz twice, as it requires two integrations.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017년 3월 5일
I don't know why you think it's wrong. But anyway to normalize the total power in the image you can divide by what power is there and multiply by 7.2
newData = data * 7.2 / sum(data(:));
Not sure what the peak height will be, but the sum of all the data will now be 7.2.
  댓글 수: 1
victor law
victor law 2017년 3월 5일
Thanks image Analyst,
Your solution has guided me well. It was actually a very simple step, V=1678, Pin=7200
All I did was Pin/V * graph, scaled the whole graph by this factor and it worked. In this case, each unit represented 1W and I could read off the Z axis for peak.

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