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lsqnonlin question

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Shalini 2012년 3월 18일
I have a function file called commands.m which gives the necessary inputs to another function file called fit_simp. lsqnonlin is called inside fit_simp.
My commands function file is as follows;
X0=[800 1537 0.1722 7.169e-6 1];
lb = [800;0;0;0;0.7];
StartAt = [800;1537;0.1722;7.169e-6;0.0001];
And my fit_simp file is as follows;
function diff = fit_simp(x,X,Y)
% This function is called by lsqnonlin.
% x is a vector which contains the coefficients of the
% equation. X and Y are the option data sets that were
% passed to lsqnonlin.
[total_readings,epsilon_dot_QS,epsilon_dot_MR,TM,TR,rho,Cp] = GetMRDetails;
for i=1:total_readings
if (i~=1)
When I call commands by typing_ >>commands_ in the commands window, I get the following message:
Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded; increase options.MaxFunEvals
But when I type options in the commands window, it tells me;
??? Undefined function or variable 'options'.
Pleae can anyone guide me what is going wrong? How to increase the value of options.MaxFunEvals?Please help.....

채택된 답변

the cyclist
the cyclist 2012년 3월 18일
You have to use the optimset() function to determine the options that are being referred to here.
  댓글 수: 1
Shalini 2012년 3월 18일
I called optimset but it gave me the following;
>> optimset
Display: [ off | iter | iter-detailed | notify | notify-detailed | final | final-detailed ]
MaxFunEvals: [ positive scalar ]
MaxIter: [ positive scalar ]
TolFun: [ positive scalar ]
TolX: [ positive scalar ]
FunValCheck: [ on | {off} ]
OutputFcn: [ function | {[]} ]
PlotFcns: [ function | {[]} ]
Algorithm: [ active-set | interior-point | levenberg-marquardt | trust-region-dogleg | trust-region-reflective ]
AlwaysHonorConstraints: [ none | {bounds} ]
BranchStrategy: [ mininfeas | {maxinfeas} ]
DerivativeCheck: [ on | {off} ]
Diagnostics: [ on | {off} ]
DiffMaxChange: [ positive scalar | {1e-1} ]
DiffMinChange: [ positive scalar | {1e-8} ]
FinDiffType: [ {forward} | central ]
GoalsExactAchieve: [ positive scalar | {0} ]
GradConstr: [ on | {off} ]
GradObj: [ on | {off} ]
HessFcn: [ function | {[]} ]
Hessian: [ user-supplied | bfgs | lbfgs | fin-diff-grads | on | off ]
HessMult: [ function | {[]} ]
HessPattern: [ sparse matrix | {sparse(ones(numberOfVariables))} ]
HessUpdate: [ dfp | steepdesc | {bfgs} ]
InitBarrierParam: [ positive scalar | {0.1} ]
InitialHessType: [ identity | {scaled-identity} | user-supplied ]
InitialHessMatrix: [ scalar | vector | {[]} ]
InitTrustRegionRadius: [ positive scalar | {sqrt(numberOfVariables)} ]
Jacobian: [ on | {off} ]
JacobMult: [ function | {[]} ]
JacobPattern: [ sparse matrix | {sparse(ones(Jrows,Jcols))} ]
LargeScale: [ on | off ]
LevenbergMarquardt: [ {on} | off ]
LineSearchType: [ cubicpoly | {quadcubic} ]
MaxNodes: [ positive scalar | {1000*numberOfVariables} ]
MaxPCGIter: [ positive scalar | {max(1,floor(numberOfVariables/2))} ]
MaxProjCGIter: [ positive scalar | {2*(numberOfVariables-numberOfEqualities)} ]
MaxRLPIter: [ positive scalar | {100*numberOfVariables} ]
MaxSQPIter: [ positive scalar | {10*max(numberOfVariables,numberOfInequalities+numberOfBounds)} ]
MaxTime: [ positive scalar | {7200} ]
MeritFunction: [ singleobj | {multiobj} ]
MinAbsMax: [ positive scalar | {0} ]
NodeDisplayInterval: [ positive scalar | {20} ]
NodeSearchStrategy: [ df | {bn} ]
NonlEqnAlgorithm: [ {dogleg} | lm | gn ]
ObjectiveLimit: [ scalar | {-1e20} ]
PrecondBandWidth: [ positive scalar | 0 | Inf ]
RelLineSrchBnd: [ positive scalar | {[]} ]
RelLineSrchBndDuration: [ positive scalar | {1} ]
ScaleProblem: [ none | obj-and-constr | jacobian ]
Simplex: [ on | {off} ]
SubproblemAlgorithm: [ cg | {ldl-factorization} ]
TolCon: [ positive scalar ]
TolConSQP: [ positive scalar | {1e-6} ]
TolPCG: [ positive scalar | {0.1} ]
TolProjCG: [ positive scalar | {1e-2} ]
TolProjCGAbs: [ positive scalar | {1e-10} ]
TolRLPFun: [ positive scalar | {1e-6} ]
TolXInteger: [ positive scalar | {1e-8} ]
TypicalX: [ vector | {ones(numberOfVariables,1)} ]
UseParallel: [ always | {never} ]
>> optimset.MaxFunEvals
Display: [ off | iter | iter-detailed | notify | notify-detailed | final | final-detailed ]
MaxFunEvals: [ positive scalar ]
MaxIter: [ positive scalar ]
TolFun: [ positive scalar ]
TolX: [ positive scalar ]
FunValCheck: [ on | {off} ]
OutputFcn: [ function | {[]} ]
PlotFcns: [ function | {[]} ]
Algorithm: [ active-set | interior-point | levenberg-marquardt | trust-region-dogleg | trust-region-reflective ]
AlwaysHonorConstraints: [ none | {bounds} ]
BranchStrategy: [ mininfeas | {maxinfeas} ]
DerivativeCheck: [ on | {off} ]
Diagnostics: [ on | {off} ]
DiffMaxChange: [ positive scalar | {1e-1} ]
DiffMinChange: [ positive scalar | {1e-8} ]
FinDiffType: [ {forward} | central ]
GoalsExactAchieve: [ positive scalar | {0} ]
GradConstr: [ on | {off} ]
GradObj: [ on | {off} ]
HessFcn: [ function | {[]} ]
Hessian: [ user-supplied | bfgs | lbfgs | fin-diff-grads | on | off ]
HessMult: [ function | {[]} ]
HessPattern: [ sparse matrix | {sparse(ones(numberOfVariables))} ]
HessUpdate: [ dfp | steepdesc | {bfgs} ]
InitBarrierParam: [ positive scalar | {0.1} ]
InitialHessType: [ identity | {scaled-identity} | user-supplied ]
InitialHessMatrix: [ scalar | vector | {[]} ]
InitTrustRegionRadius: [ positive scalar | {sqrt(numberOfVariables)} ]
Jacobian: [ on | {off} ]
JacobMult: [ function | {[]} ]
JacobPattern: [ sparse matrix | {sparse(ones(Jrows,Jcols))} ]
LargeScale: [ on | off ]
LevenbergMarquardt: [ {on} | off ]
LineSearchType: [ cubicpoly | {quadcubic} ]
MaxNodes: [ positive scalar | {1000*numberOfVariables} ]
MaxPCGIter: [ positive scalar | {max(1,floor(numberOfVariables/2))} ]
MaxProjCGIter: [ positive scalar | {2*(numberOfVariables-numberOfEqualities)} ]
MaxRLPIter: [ positive scalar | {100*numberOfVariables} ]
MaxSQPIter: [ positive scalar | {10*max(numberOfVariables,numberOfInequalities+numberOfBounds)} ]
MaxTime: [ positive scalar | {7200} ]
MeritFunction: [ singleobj | {multiobj} ]
MinAbsMax: [ positive scalar | {0} ]
NodeDisplayInterval: [ positive scalar | {20} ]
NodeSearchStrategy: [ df | {bn} ]
NonlEqnAlgorithm: [ {dogleg} | lm | gn ]
ObjectiveLimit: [ scalar | {-1e20} ]
PrecondBandWidth: [ positive scalar | 0 | Inf ]
RelLineSrchBnd: [ positive scalar | {[]} ]
RelLineSrchBndDuration: [ positive scalar | {1} ]
ScaleProblem: [ none | obj-and-constr | jacobian ]
Simplex: [ on | {off} ]
SubproblemAlgorithm: [ cg | {ldl-factorization} ]
TolCon: [ positive scalar ]
TolConSQP: [ positive scalar | {1e-6} ]
TolPCG: [ positive scalar | {0.1} ]
TolProjCG: [ positive scalar | {1e-2} ]
TolProjCGAbs: [ positive scalar | {1e-10} ]
TolRLPFun: [ positive scalar | {1e-6} ]
TolXInteger: [ positive scalar | {1e-8} ]
TypicalX: [ vector | {ones(numberOfVariables,1)} ]
UseParallel: [ always | {never} ]
How to change the default value of MaxFunEvals?

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Shalini 2012년 3월 18일
Thanks..Done the follwoing the commands functiona nd then it worked;
options = optimset('MaxFunEvals',10000); x=lsqnonlin(@(X0)fit_simp(X0,X,Y),StartAt,lb,ub,options);


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