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Why does table creation produce error "VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table"?

조회 수: 152 (최근 30일)
Can you please revise the following line of code to eliminate the error "VariableNames property must contain one name for each variable in the table"? I am stumped.
T = table(rand(30,8), 'VariableNames', ...
{'var1' 'var2' 'var3' 'var4' 'var5' 'var6' 'var7' 'var8'});

채택된 답변

KAE 2017년 1월 16일
편집: KAE 2017년 1월 17일
Just figured this out: have to use array2table,
T = array2table(rand(30,8), ...
'VariableNames', {'var1' 'var2' 'var3' 'var4' 'var5' ...
'var6' 'var7' 'var8'});
However if you want to assign other properties besides names, you have to do that separately, unlike the table command,
T.Properties.VariableUnits = {'kg' 'm' 'W' 's' 'g' 'kg' 'm' 'W'};
  댓글 수: 3
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 1월 31일
Another MATLAB oddity to add to the list of annoyances/inconsistencies.
It's not an inconsistency.
When you call table like that, you're asking MATLAB to create a table with one variable, not eight. That one variable happens to contain eight columns. As a smaller example, here's a table with one variable that contains a two-column matrix. Note that the size of T1 is [5 1] not [5 2].
X = randi(10, 5, 2);
T1 = table(X, VariableNames = "Coordinates")
T1 = 5×1 table
Coordinates ___________ 2 5 9 8 9 2 7 7 3 8
ans = 1×2
5 1
When you use array2table instead, MATLAB creates one variable per column of the input. The size of T2 is [5 2].
T2 = array2table(X, VariableNames = ["X coordinate", "Y coordinate"])
T2 = 5×2 table
X coordinate Y coordinate ____________ ____________ 2 5 9 8 9 2 7 7 3 8
ans = 1×2
5 2

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추가 답변 (1개)

Ivy Fatima
Ivy Fatima 2024년 1월 31일
Error using array2table
The RowNames property must contain one name for each row in the table.


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