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Interfacing MATLAB with GAMS optimization software - Error messages

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I want to interface MATLAB with GAMS optimization software.
My GAMS system directory is located in drive C:
My MATLAB software is located in C:\Program Files\R2009b\
I prepared a model called "Agent" in gams and executed successfully in GAMS. The same model when i tried to excute from MATLAB by typing command
the MATLAB is giving the following error message.
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\GAMS\win32\24.7\gams.mexw32': The specified module could not be found. .
please guide me how i can execute my GAMS model from MATLAB.
Thanks T.V.S.R.K.Prasad

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 12월 11일
Either you are using a 64 bit version of MATLAB with the 32 bit gams DLL, or else some other DLL that gams needs is missing from your system (the more likely case.) You will probably need to use Dependency Walker to find the missing DLL.
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Kallam Haranadha Reddy
Kallam Haranadha Reddy 2016년 12월 11일
I am using 32 bit MATLAB and 32 bit GAMS . still the Dependency walker is giving the error message " At least one file was not a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows module". It is also giving the error message"No DOS or PE signature found. This file is not a valid 32-bit or 64-bit windows module".
How can i overcome this error.
". The dependency walker is also giving the error message

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