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Pig Latin Converter Function

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Scott 2016년 11월 24일
댓글: Image Analyst 2016년 11월 25일
Hello all,
I am trying to write a function which takes a string as input and converts it to Pig Latin string. For example, 'pig latin in matlab' would become 'igpay atinlay inay atlabmay'. So everything before the first vowel is shifted to the end of the word and following by 'ay'.
I know that I can use find to find the first vowel in each word. But then how do I move the characters to the end of each word and append 'ay' to it?
Here is what I have so far:
function [ new_string ] = pig_latin( string )
each_word = [];
temp = '';
ay = 'ay';
words = strsplit(string,' ');
num_words = numel(words);
for j=1:num_words
temp = words{j};
vowel = temp(find(ismember(temp,'aeiou'),1,'first'))
vowel_loc = find(vowel,1,'first');

채택된 답변

KSSV 2016년 11월 24일
clc; clear all ;
str = 'pig latin in matlab' ;
C = strsplit(str) ; % split the string
%%chnage accordinhly
s0 = 'ay' ; % which has to be joined
l = cellfun(@(c)[c(2:end) c(1)],C,'uni',false) ;
m = cellfun(@(c)[c s0],l,'uni',false) ;
iwant = strjoin(m)
  댓글 수: 6
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016년 11월 25일
Is this solved yet? You accepted this answer but seem to indicate it's not right. What about my answer below? Is that right?
KSSV 2016년 11월 25일
vowels = {'a' 'e' 'i' 'o' 'u'} ;
str = 'pig latin in matlab' ;
C = strsplit(str) ; % split the string
l = cellfun(@(c) c(1),C,'uni',false) ;
% get vowels pos
idx = ismember(l,vowels) ;
C1 = C(~idx) ;
%%chnage accordinhly
s0 = 'ay' ; % which has to be joined
l1 = cellfun(@(c)[c(2:end) c(1)],C1,'uni',false) ;
m1 = cellfun(@(c)[c s0],l1,'uni',false) ;
%%work on vowel
C2 = C(idx) ;
m2 = cellfun(@(c)[c s0],C2,'uni',false) ;
%%Replace strings back
m = cell(size(C)) ;%
m(~idx) = m1 ;
m(idx) = m2 ;
iwant = strjoin(m)

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추가 답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016년 11월 25일
How about this:
To call:
new_string = pig_latin('pig latin in matlab other')
Function declaration
function [new_string] = pig_latin( string )
new_string = '';
ay = 'ay';
words = strsplit(string,' ');
numWords = length(words);
for k = 1 : numWords
thisWord = words{k};
firstVowel = thisWord(find(ismember(thisWord,'aeiou'),1,'first'));
vowelLocation = strfind(thisWord, firstVowel);
if vowelLocation >= 2
% Start the new word at the vowel location.
newWord{k} = [thisWord(vowelLocation:end), thisWord(1:vowelLocation-1), ay, ' '];
% If word starts with a vowel, just add 'ay'.
newWord{k} = [thisWord, ay, ' '];
% celldisp(newWord);
% String cells together to form the output character array.
new_string = [newWord{:}];
Shows in command window:
new_string =
igpay atinlay inay atlabmay otheray
  댓글 수: 2
Scott 2016년 11월 25일
That is perfect! It works great, and uses things that I know in Matlab! Thankyou image analyst!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016년 11월 25일
You're welcome. I tried to keep it somewhat simple and straightforward, and on your level and similar to your existing code. Maybe you could at least "Vote" for my answer.

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