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Writing a switch structure, and i can not get it to display my second response.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
t = [0:100]; x = exp(-t).*sin(t);
response = input ('Type min, max, or sum. ','s')
response = lower('response');
switch response
case min(x)
minimum = min(x)
case max(x)
maximum = max(x)
case sum(x)
total = sum(x)
disp('You have not entered a proper choice.')

채택된 답변

Chaya N
Chaya N 2016년 10월 18일
편집: Chaya N 2016년 10월 18일
The switch case names and the inputs for the switched variable response do not match here. The input response from the user is min or max or sum but the cases specified are min(x), max(x) and sum(x). Remove the (x) portion from the names and designate the case names as strings. Also, the input to the lower function here should be the variable response not the string 'response'. The cleaned up code should look like this:
t = [0:100];
x = exp(-t).*sin(t);
response = input ('Type min, max, or sum. ','s')
response = lower(response);
switch response
case 'min'
minimum = min(x)
case 'max'
maximum = max(x)
case 'sum'
total = sum(x)
disp('You have not entered a proper choice.')
  댓글 수: 2
Carlyle Hickman
Carlyle Hickman 2016년 10월 19일
This solution still returns: "You have not entered a proper choice."
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2016년 10월 19일
Copy and paste the whole text, both what you executed and what you entered, from the Command Window into a comment on this answer.

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