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cannot identify all circles in car tyre

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ayush 2016년 10월 12일
편집: Ayush 2016년 10월 12일
i am trying to separate radial of a car tyre, i have made the following code. it identifies the inside portion of tyre and it cannot detect out the outer portion.
my image
resultant image
my code is
if true
% code
close all;
rgb = imread('C:\Users\Ayush\Desktop\MATLAB SEP 30\images\vertical1.jpg'); figure imshow(rgb) % d = imdistline; gray_image = rgb2gray(rgb);
bw = imbinarize(gray_image); imshow(bw)
% remove all object containing fewer than 30 pixels bw = bwareaopen(bw,30);
% fill a gap in the pen's cap se = strel('disk',2); bw = imclose(bw,se);
% fill any holes, so that regionprops can be used to estimate % the area enclosed by each of the boundaries bw = imfill(bw,'holes');
imshow(bw) [B,L] = bwboundaries(bw,'noholes');
% Display the label matrix and draw each boundary imshow(label2rgb(L, @jet, [.5 .5 .5])) hold on for k = 1:length(B) boundary = B{k}; plot(boundary(:,2), boundary(:,1), 'w', 'LineWidth', 2) end stats = regionprops(L,'Area','Centroid');
threshold = 0.94;
% loop over the boundaries for k = 1:length(B)
% obtain (X,Y) boundary coordinates corresponding to label 'k'
boundary = B{k};
% compute a simple estimate of the object's perimeter
delta_sq = diff(boundary).^2;
perimeter = sum(sqrt(sum(delta_sq,2)));
% obtain the area calculation corresponding to label 'k'
area = stats(k).Area;
% compute the roundness metric
metric = 4*pi*area/perimeter^2;
% display the results
metric_string = sprintf('%2.2f',metric);
% mark objects above the threshold with a black circle
if metric > threshold
centroid = stats(k).Centroid;

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