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please help me in my back projection algorithm.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Mansour Aljohani
Mansour Aljohani 2016년 9월 17일
댓글: Mansour Aljohani 2016년 9월 26일
Dear All, the attached file is for the Cross-correlation between the TX and RX. and my target is one rod. what i am trying to do in my code is backprojection in time domain not in frequency domain in order to get the target image. but it is not work. I do not know if it is from the data or the algorithm. if anyone has information please let me know. Thank you so much in advance.
load AAA
for Theta = 0:360
Current_Range = AAA(:,Theta+1);
Current_Image = zeros (41,41);
iii = 0; jjj = 0;
for xxx = -20:1:20
iii = iii +1;
jjj = 0;
for yyy = -20:1:20
jjj = jjj +1;
Tx_Pos = [sin(Theta.*pi./180) cos(Theta.*pi./180)].*3;
Distance = norm(Tx_Pos-[xxx yyy]);
Current_Image(iii,jjj) = Current_Range(round(Distance/(3e8/200e6/2))+1);
  댓글 수: 5
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 9월 25일
I am not sure, but I think it was that I removed an "if true" around your code. The best way to enter code is to type (or paste it in) and then highlight it all and then click on the {} Code button.
Mansour Aljohani
Mansour Aljohani 2016년 9월 26일
Oh, I see. i got confused, because my problem is about Image processing, or Signal processing. I don't know.

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