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Rotate a figure created with the area function

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Markus 2012년 2월 16일
편집: Cedric 2013년 10월 15일
I have a figure created with the area function, something like:
Y = [1, 5, 3;
3, 2, 7;
1, 5, 3;
2, 6, 1];
grid on
colormap summer
title 'Stacked Area Plot'
This creates a figure with green, light green and yellow areas oriented horizontally. I wish to create a figure that has vertical areas instead. How can I do that?

채택된 답변

Patrick Kalita
Patrick Kalita 2012년 2월 16일
Call view(90,90) after you create your area plot. More info here.

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