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How can I apply equation to all data in column?

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
user1996 2016년 6월 30일
댓글: Star Strider 2016년 6월 30일
I have namburs C= (4.6 17.9 4.6 18.5 7.8 1.5 5.9 6.3)
And i hvae two conatat numbers A=4.7 and. B=7.8
And equation is Y=log((A-C)/(C-B)) How can I apply this equation to all the numbers in C? So I can get Y for all of them. Please help

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2016년 6월 30일
You need to ‘vectorise’ it to do element-wise operations by replacing the (/) with (./):
C = [4.6 17.9 4.6 18.5 7.8 1.5 5.9 6.3];
A = 4.7;
B = 7.8;
Y = log((A-C)./(C-B))
You get a complex result in ‘Y’ because some of the numbers are negative. If you don’t want that, add an abs call:
Y = log(abs((A-C)./(C-B)))

추가 답변 (1개)

user1996 2016년 6월 30일
Thank you very much!


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