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Solving 3 non-linear equations using fsolve in MATLAB

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
shoubhik chakraborty
shoubhik chakraborty 2012년 2월 12일
I have the following 3 non-linear equations:
(summation(i=1 to N)) (p(i)*k1(i)) <= Ith
(summation(i=1 to N)) (p(i)*k2(i)) <= Ith
(summation(i=1 to N)) p(i) <= pT
p(i)= [delf/{{lambda1*k1(i)}+{lambda2*k2(i)}+{lambda3}}] - [{2*sigma^2}/{h^2}]
Here N, Ith, pT, sigma, h, delf are constants. All values of k(i) from 1 to N are known. The values of lambda1, lambda2, lambda3 need to be found.How can I solve these equations using fsolve in MATLAB?

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