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Using regexp to create dataset

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Sebastiano delre
Sebastiano delre 2016년 5월 21일
댓글: Sebastiano delre 2016년 5월 23일
I have imported a large database using textscan(). Now I have data with 12 variables. Each observation looks like this:
These are cell data and I would like to convert them in dataset type, but my problem is that the 11th variable is a string that may contain several numbers separated by commas. I cannot use something like this regexp(datacell{1,1}{6,1}, ',\s*', 'split') because it will split the 11th variable in many different parts. Can you please suggest me a code that can make it? Thank you.
  댓글 수: 2
Stephen23 2016년 5월 21일
편집: Stephen23 2016년 5월 21일
@Sebastiano delre: are the number of numbers within the double quotes always the same ? In you example there are five numbers: are there always five ?
Sebastiano delre
Sebastiano delre 2016년 5월 21일
No, actually that can vary. This is exactly what creates my problem...

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채택된 답변

Stephen23 2016년 5월 21일
편집: Stephen23 2016년 5월 21일
fmt = [repmat('%f',1,10),'%q','%f'];
opt = {'CollectOutput',true, 'Delimiter',',', 'TreatAsEmpty','NA'};
fid = fopen('test.txt','rt');
C = textscan(fid,fmt,opt{:});
D = cellfun(@(s)sscanf(s,'%f,'),C{2},'UniformOutput',false);
This returns all of the numeric values in C{1} and C{3}:
>> C{1}
ans =
5 573346285 746540138 NaN 1341119065 NaN 7 0 2 1341111281
6 573346286 746540139 NaN 1341119066 NaN 8 1 3 1341111282
7 573346287 746540140 NaN 1341119067 NaN 9 0 4 1341111283
and those quoted strings are in C{2}:
>> C{2}
ans =
The quoted strings are simply converted to numeric using sscanf (no regexp is required):
>> D{:}
ans =
ans =
ans =
The sample file that I used is attached here (I had to create my own as you did not provide us with a sample file to work with):
  댓글 수: 6
Stephen23 2016년 5월 23일
편집: Stephen23 2016년 5월 23일
@Sebastiano delre: the error you are getting "I get this error: "Error using textscan. Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier." " has nothing to do with my algorithm at all.
That error occurs when MATLAB cannot open the file that you requested, most likely because you are passing a wrong filepath to fopen.
This commonly occurs when beginners:
  • try to access a file in some folder that is not the current directory, but pass only the filename without the filepath.
  • define a filepath to a file that does not exist.
  • spell the filename incorrectly.
The solution is (almost always) to pass the correct filepath. You should make this change and tell me what the error message msg is:
[fid,msg] = fopen('test.txt','rt'); % for your filename and filepath!
You will also find hundreds of threads on this forum that explain this exact error message, if you want to read more information about it.
However you have also changed the file format from what you explained in your question, which will then cause my code to not work. Your question did not mention that the file has a header! You can fix this by adding 'HeaderLines',1 to the textscan options.
Or you could try this code, which generates a structure using those header names, which lets you access the data using the fieldnames:
fmt = [repmat('%f',1,10),'%q','%f'];
opt = {'CollectOutput',true, 'Delimiter',',', 'TreatAsEmpty','NA'};
[fid,msg] = fopen('test.txt','rt');
H = regexp(fgetl(fid),'[^,"]+','match');
C = textscan(fid,fmt,opt{:});
M = strrep(H,'.','');
C{1} = num2cell(C{1});
C{3} = num2cell(C{3});
C{2} = cellfun(@(s)sscanf(s,'%f,'),C{2},'UniformOutput',false);
M(2,:) = num2cell(horzcat(C{:}),1);
S = struct(M{:});
and access the data like this:
>> S(9).Sentiment
ans =
>> S(2).Sentiment
ans =
>> S(2).startingtime
ans =
PS: Sorry about the date mixup! PPS: This new code was tested on your sample file:
Sebastiano delre
Sebastiano delre 2016년 5월 23일
Yes, I see. Now it works, thanks.

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추가 답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 5월 21일
If you are using one of the more recent versions of textscan then you can use the %q format to read the double-quoted string as a single item.

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2016년 5월 21일
편집: Azzi Abdelmalek 2016년 5월 21일
a='5,573346285,746540138, NA ,1341119065,NA,7,0,2,1341111281,"-1,-1,-1,0,-1",-0.8'
data=[data1{:} data2{:}]


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