Finding largest eigenvalue of a polynomial eigenvalue problem

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
kevin k
kevin k 2016년 5월 5일
댓글: kevin k 2016년 5월 5일
I am trying to solve an eigenvalue problem of the type find largest lambda such that : (A+lambda*B)*v=0 where A,B are n*n matrices. The function polyeig returns all the eigenvalues for the latter problem and thus this method is very slow to compute the largest eigenvalue. Is there a possibility to find only few largest eigenvalues? (In similar way like the function eigs for standard eigenvalue problem)
  댓글 수: 2
KSSV 2016년 5월 5일
Have you tried eig(A,B)?
kevin k
kevin k 2016년 5월 5일
thank you. Indeed eigs(A,-B) does the work.

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