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Plot Eigen Vectors

조회 수: 31 (최근 30일)
Raviteja 2012년 2월 6일
편집: Matt J 2013년 10월 1일
>> covX=[3.1163 1.2956; 1.2956 0.5810];
>> [Evec Eval]=eig(covX);
for this how to plot Eigen vectors ?

답변 (2개)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov 2012년 2월 6일

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2012년 2월 6일
Look on the file exchange for arrow plotting functions, there are at least 2 very good submissions. Those will be the "natural" choice for plotting eigenvectors for 2 and 3-D cases. For higher dimensions plot will do it, unless you have some direct geometrical interpretations of your covariance matrix - then you might prefer imagesc(reshape(Evec,[s1,s2])).
  댓글 수: 2
Raviteja 2012년 2월 6일
Can you please give the exact link of the file in file exchange.
and more over what is s1, s2 in your code?
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2012년 2월 6일
1, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=arrow+matlab+file+exchange the first, third, second and fourth link gets you to the better ones.
2, For example if you have a covariance matrix built from data taken at a number (n>>3) of atmospheric altitude levels of say the pressure, then the eigenvectors are best plotted with plot(evec). Each eigenvector correspons (handwavingly talking) to a 1-D basis function. If your covariance matrix are built from data taken at nZ altitudes at nL latitudes then it is better to look at the eigenvectors one by one: imagesc(reshape(Evec(i1,:),[nZ,nL] - s1 & s2 above)) - that way you'd see the shape of the 2-D variation of the eigenvectors. Here the size of the covariance matrix would be (nZ*nL)x(nZ*nL).

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