Poisson random number generator
조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Hi all please i need to know how to generate a Poisson distributed random variable without using the built-in function (poissrnd).
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
Andreas Goser
2012년 2월 6일
If this is an acadamic exercise - you can look at the literature refererence
% References:
% [1] Devroye, L. (1986) Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation,
% Springer-Verlag.
추가 답변 (8개)
Derek O'Connor
2012년 2월 6일
Dirk Kroese has excellent notes here: http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/~kroese/mccourse.pdf, which are based on his book:
D.P. Kroese, T. Taimre, Z.I. Botev: Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
His notes and book have lots of Matlab examples.
Derek O'Connor
2012년 2월 7일
I prefer this:
% -------------------------------------------------------------
function S = PoissonSamp(lambda,ns);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Generate a random sample S of size ns from the (discrete)
% Poisson distribution with parameter lambda.
% Derek O'Connor, 6 Feb 2012. derekroconnor@eircom.net
S = zeros(ns,1);
for i = 1:ns
k=1; produ = 1;
produ = produ*rand;
while produ >= exp(-lambda)
produ = produ*rand;
k = k+1;
S(i) = k;
댓글 수: 0
Derek O'Connor
2012년 5월 3일
I would like to thank Kang Wook Lee of Berkeley for pointing out an error in the code above. The last line should be S(i) = k-1;
% -------------------------------------------------------------
function S = PoissonSamp(lambda,ns);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Generate a random sample S of size ns from the (discrete)
% Poisson distribution with parameter lambda.
% Fixed error: changed S(i) = k; to S(i) = k-1;
% Derek O'Connor, 3 May 2012. derekroconnor@eircom.net
S = zeros(ns,1);
for i = 1:ns
k=1; produ = 1;
produ = produ*rand;
while produ >= exp(-lambda)
produ = produ*rand;
k = k+1;
S(i) = k-1;
댓글 수: 2
Ian Van Giesen
2020년 6월 24일
Why was the last line changed? Was it to make the events where probability for 'success' a null event? Sorry in advance for a confusing question, still wrapping my head around this, but many thanks for the code!
Derek O'Connor
2012년 7월 24일
This is a cleaner fix of PoissonSamp
% -------------------------------------------------------------
function S = PoissonSamp3(lambda,ns);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Generate a random sample S of size ns from the (discrete)
% Poisson distribution with parameter lambda.
% Fixed error:
% CHANGED k = 1; produ = 1; produ = produ*rand
% TO k = 0; produ = rand;
% Derek O'Connor, 24 July 2012. derekroconnor@eircom.net
S = zeros(ns,1);
for i = 1:ns
k = 0;
produ = rand;
while produ >= exp(-lambda)
produ = produ*rand;
k = k+1;
S(i) = k;
댓글 수: 3
Binlin Wu
2021년 4월 1일
편집: Binlin Wu
2021년 4월 2일
Would just like to make some minor changes to accept any array size:
function S = PoissonSamp3(lambda,varargin);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Generate a random sample S of size ns from the (discrete)
% Poisson distribution with parameter lambda.
% Fixed error:
% CHANGED k = 1; produ = 1; produ = produ*rand
% TO k = 0; produ = rand;
% Derek O'Connor, 24 July 2012. derekroconnor@eircom.net
nn = [varargin{:}];
S = zeros([nn,1]);
for i = 1:numel(S(:))
k = 0;
produ = rand;
while produ >= exp(-lambda)
produ = produ*rand;
k = k+1;
S(i) = k;
Richard Willey
2012년 2월 6일
Mark Steyvers has written a nice book titled "Computational Statistics with MATLAB" which can be downloaded from
The first chapter has a very good section describing inverse transform sampling which provides everything you need to know.
댓글 수: 0
Derek O'Connor
2012년 2월 7일
@Ahmed, you're correct, it is not correct.
The function below is a Matlab translation of Kroese's algorithm. It seems to work ok but needs to be thoroughly tested. You should do this and let us know the results. Note that Poisson(L) ~ Norm(L,L), for large L.
The one thing I don't like about Kroese is his awful algorithm and programming style. Why does he use GOTOs instead of proper WHILEs etc?
% -------------------------------------------------------------
function X = Poisson(lambda);
% -------------------------------------------------------------
% Generate a random value from the (discrete) Poisson
% distribution with parameter lambda.
% Derek O'Connor, 6 Feb 2012. derekroconnor@eircom.net
k=1; produ = 1;
produ = produ*rand;
while produ >= exp(-lambda)
produ = produ*rand;
k = k+1;
X = k;
Ahmed raheem
2012년 2월 7일
댓글 수: 2
Abdulramon Adeyiola
2022년 1월 20일
@Ahmed raheem I tried using your code to generate 100 samples from Poisson distribution with parameter 1, but the mean of the resulting samples was way above 1. This is strange!
2022년 1월 20일
L = exp(-lambda);
for i=1:n
k=0; usave=1;
while usave > L
k = k+1;
usave = usave*rand;
X(i) = k-1;
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