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Undefined function or variable 'rootFolder'.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Salem 2016년 4월 2일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2016년 4월 5일
When I am training to implement this function
I receive
Undefined function or variable 'rootFolder'.
I have this version and those toolbox in my machine
MATLAB Version: (R2015b)
Operating System: Linux
MATLAB Version 8.6 (R2015b)
Image Processing Toolbox Version 9.3 (R2015b)
Neural Network Toolbox Version 8.4 (R2015b)
Optimization Toolbox Version 7.3 (R2015b)
Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 6.7 (R2015b)
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 10.1 (R2015b)
Any help please
By the way I checked preference and make set the path to default but same problem,
  댓글 수: 2
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 4월 2일
Please show your code and the complete error message
Salem 2016년 4월 4일
I am trying to implement convolution neural network in this link http://uk.mathworks.com/help/nnet/convolutional-neural-networks.html and I recieved this error
imageDatastore undefine
Undefined function or variable 'rootFolder'.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 4월 4일
The code has the line
rootFolder = fullfile(outputFolder, '101_ObjectCategories');
above the point where it uses rootFolder, so you must have missed some lines in your implementation.
  댓글 수: 4
Salem 2016년 4월 4일
OK, what I can do as I have R2015b and I bought it only in this January.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 4월 5일
If you bought R2015b within the last calendar year, then if you bought anything other than the cheapest version of the Student Version license, then included in that should have been one year of Software Maintenance Service (SMS). That would entitle you to upgrade to all MATLAB versions released within one year. As R2016a was released well within that year, you should be able to go to https://www.mathworks.com/downloads/select_release?mode=gwylf and download R2016a.
Note: the "unbundled" Student Version license, the very least expensive student license, might possibly not include this service.

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