How to make a demixing filter in matlab ....!! Please help me

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
ADITI SINGLA 2016년 3월 27일
편집: ADITI SINGLA 2016년 3월 27일
As i have to use feed forward network as a demixing filter, so some data set is necessary for training it .So I think first demixing filter has to be designed in MATLAB , that can be used as a dataset .....??,,, please open this attachment " capture11.jpg" ,and guide me how to make equation 2 in MATLAB. Thanks in advance
  댓글 수: 4
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016년 3월 27일
Use ‘independent components analysis’.
ADITI SINGLA 2016년 3월 27일
편집: ADITI SINGLA 2016년 3월 27일
Thankyou sir, sir my thesis topic is "independent vector analysis" ,,, it is the extension of independent component analysis,,i can not use ica ,,,Sir can i got the email id of Myungwoo Oh SIR, Hyung-MIn PArk SIR??Please help me,,

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