Solving system of linear equations in S domain?

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Andrew 2012년 1월 30일
I am trying to solve a linear system of equations within the S domain. (For those that are familiar with engineering, it is a set of nodal equations with 1/sC for the impedance of capacitors). The traditional approach of using linsolve(A,B) does not work, as 's' is an undefined variable. The elements of 'B' are also variables, and I have more equations than variables.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

답변 (1개)

Benjamin Schwabe
Benjamin Schwabe 2012년 1월 30일
Could you give the "systematic" of the equation? I basically assume, you have a system of differential-alegabric-equation. A look at the "odeexamples" might help you.


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