How can I compare set of figures?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
yousef Yousef
yousef Yousef 2016년 2월 22일
댓글: yousef Yousef 2016년 2월 23일
Hi I have program that produces 16 figures at each run.I'd like to ask, what is the best way to save these figures in order compare them with another set of figures from another run of the program?
  댓글 수: 4
jgg 2016년 2월 23일
The subplot command can be used to tile figures in a single graph. Would that do what you want?
yousef Yousef
yousef Yousef 2016년 2월 23일
Thanks but this is not what I want. I need a method that take all figures from one run in simple way and move them to one file let's say word file or any thing else.Then ,in the second run, I want to do the same.
I think the only way is to take each figure separate and arrange them manually

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