How I get a graph coloring from a routing matrix

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Duano Silva
Duano Silva 2016년 2월 13일
편집: Walter Roberson 2016년 2월 13일
My task is to develop code to graph coloring from a routing matrix (in a csv Excel file) to a adjacent matrix. First of all I have to transform the matrix such
M = {'0','1 4 2','1 4 5 3','1 4','1 4 5';
'1 4 2','0','2 3','2 4','2 4 5';
'1 4 5 3','2 3','3 5 4','3 5','0';
'1 4','2 4','3 5 4','0','4 5';
'1 4 5','2 4 5','3 5','4 5','0'}
in an array where the elements of this array are the superior diagonal of the matrix. After this I have to compare each elements and its inverse to other. The result must be one if the sequence or all element belong to another. For example comparing the element '1 5 6' in the array to '1 5' the result have to be one. Or comparing '1 5 6' to '6 5' the result is also one.

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