I am in trouble with the SDI interface : I aborted Matlab while it was saving a SDI session because it was not responding/slow.
I restarted Matlab and started a simulation with streaming enabled (I checked model configuration and streaming logo over my signals). At the end of the simulation I started the SDI interface which was empty...
I got the following error :
Error using Simulink.sdi.Engine/safeTransaction An internal error has occurred. Restart MATLAB before proceeding. If this problem persists, please contact MathWorks.
Error in Simulink.sdi.models.ImportDialog/updateRepository
Error in Simulink.sdi.controllers.ImportDialog/transferScreenToData
Error in Simulink.sdi.controllers.ImportDialog/cb_OKButton
Error in Simulink.sdi.controllers.ImportDialog>@(arg)cb_OKButton(this,arg)
Error in Simulink.sdi.controllers.Dispatcher/cb_OnNewMessage
Error in Simulink.sdi.controllers.Dispatcher>@(arg)cb_OnNewMessage(this,arg)
Error in message.internal.executeCallback
I restarted again Matlab and launched directly the SDI interface. I tried to load some runs which I previously saved but I am still getting this error.
I am working with Matlab R2015b.
Thanks for your help,