How to set simulink dll parameters

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
ander 2015년 12월 15일
댓글: Alexandru Matei 2016년 1월 11일
I don´t know if it is possible but I am going to ask. I have a simulink model which has differente parameters to configure the model. My idea is to generate the dll from the model and then configure the values off the dll before use model_initialize and model_step functions. Is it possible? or the values of the dll (model_B and model_P) are always static?
thank you

답변 (1개)

Varun Bhaskar
Varun Bhaskar 2015년 12월 17일
You can tune the parameters model_P and model_B before running.
The Embedded Coder® product provides an ERT target, ert_shrlib.tlc, for generating a host-based shared library from your Simulink® model
  댓글 수: 2
ander 2015년 12월 18일
I think that, but which is the command to set the external variable of the dll?
Alexandru Matei
Alexandru Matei 2016년 1월 11일
Hi Ander, Did you found out anything regarding that command to set external variable of dll ?
Thank you

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