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Save 3D surface output of "rotate" to variable

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Scott 2015년 11월 12일
댓글: Mike Garrity 2015년 11월 12일
Hey all,
I was thrilled to find the rotate function as I was coding up my own. However, I've come across a key issues I was hoping someone could help me with:
After applying the rotate function to a 3D surface, how do I save the output to a variable so that I can analyze it?
Any advice/comments are greatly appreciated. Basically, what I'm trying to do is alter topographic data so that the perspective above a certain point is normal to the surface and work with this perspective.
Many thanks.

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Scott 2015년 11월 12일
Disregard. Found the following as helpful:
  댓글 수: 1
Mike Garrity
Mike Garrity 2015년 11월 12일
That's right. The rotate function modifies the XData, YData, and ZData properties of the object you give it.
Just to be clear, you can skip all of the openfig and findall stuff on that page you linked to and simplify it down to something like this:
[x,y,z] = cylinder;
h = surf(x,y,z)
rotate(h,[0 1 0],30)
newx = h.XData;
newy = h.YData;
newz = h.ZData;
And if you'd ever like to go back to coding your own, you might find this post helpful. It gets into how you represent perspective when you do this type of transformation.

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