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how to show datestring animation on a plot?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
reddy 2015년 11월 5일
편집: per isakson 2016년 2월 9일
Hi everyone,
I am trying to make a movie (I want to do title animation) from time series data...
as the days change I want to change the date accordingly on the plot..
clear all;close all;clc;clear memory;
h = ncread('D:\phanindra\New volume G\New folder\current data\nc\aviso\msla\all-sat-merged\h\2011_2014h.nc','sla',[305 377 1],[81 81 1457]);
l1 = ncread('D:\phanindra\New volume G\New folder\current data\nc\aviso\msla\all-sat-merged\h\2011_2014h.nc','lon');
l2 = ncread('D:\phanindra\New volume G\New folder\current data\nc\aviso\msla\all-sat-merged\h\2011_2014h.nc','lat');
[x y] = meshgrid(l1(305:385),l2(377:457));
u1 = ncread('D:\phanindra\New volume G\New folder\current data\nc\aviso\msla\all-sat-merged\uv\2011_2014_uv.nc','u',[305 377 1],[81 81 1457]);
v1 = ncread('D:\phanindra\New volume G\New folder\current data\nc\aviso\msla\all-sat-merged\uv\2011_2014_uv.nc','v',[305 377 1],[81 81 1457]);
start_time = datenum(2011,01,01);
end_time = datenum(2014,12,27);
inc = datenum(2012,01,02)-datenum(2012,01,01);
time = datestr([start_time:inc:end_time]);
t = cellstr(time);
for l=731:760;
set(gcf,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
m_proj('miller','long',[80 92],'lat',[8 24]); % larger part of the bay
m_contourf(lon,lat,sla',20); colorbar; caxis([-0.25 0.25]);
hold on
m_coast('patch',[0 0 0]);
clear sla;
clear us; clear vs;
clear lon; clear lat
%print -dpng -r300 test.png
I am getting error like "text command not compatible with cell data.." and also my animation technique also not good..
help me out with this.
thanks in advance..
  댓글 수: 3
reddy 2015년 11월 17일
편집: per isakson 2016년 2월 9일
hi Walter,
it seems there is some missing commands and script in the script file.. Sorry for the delay reply also..
the error is
Error using sprintf
Function is not defined for 'cell' inputs.
Error in saving_multiple_plots (line 74)
title(sprintf('Time: %d',timestr));
I have tried and surfed to change the date string cell data to array.. I couldn't get any source. for easier way I am attaching the mfile. please find the attachment.Thanks for reply.
per isakson
per isakson 2016년 2월 9일
편집: per isakson 2016년 2월 9일
Did you try to replace
title(sprintf('Time: %d',timestr));
title(sprintf('Time: %s',timestr{:}));

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