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Basic ODE question

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Seth 2011년 3월 4일
답변: jagathi medempudi 2020년 8월 27일
So...it's been quite a while since I solved any systems of ODEs and I am admittedly very rusty. I am hoping there is a simple answer to this question:
I have a coupled system of ODEs:
Solve from c=[0 1]
Initial conditions: Ao=100, vo=0.5
How can I set this up in a Matlab function? Thanks for any advice!

채택된 답변

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle 2011년 3월 5일
  1. Write a function that defines the rate equations. The system should now look like z' = f(c,z), where z = [A;v]. Write your function file so that it takes c and a vector z as inputs, and returns a vector dz that represents the derivatives ([A';v'])
  2. Use ode45 to solve the system, giving a function handle to you function from step 2 as input, as well as the vector of start and end values for c and the initial conditions z0 = [A0;v0].
  3. Extract the components of the solution returned by ode45 to plot as a function of c (also returned by ode45). (If A and v are on the same scale, you could just do plot(c,z))
Your question is mainly about step 1. So write a function file
function dz = functionname(c,z)
dz = zeros(size(z));
% extract components of z (ie A & c)
% define dz(1) according to the equation for dA/dc
% define dz(2) according to the equation for dv/dc

추가 답변 (3개)

Seth 2011년 3월 7일
Solved the problem by simply decoupling and doing two independent ODE45 solves instead of treating as a system of equations. I understand this is not the best way - but worked fine for my problem.
Thanks Matt for the help.

SHOBHIT KUMAR 2019년 6월 9일
can we not just do this and find the solution from gtaph and get the answer?
ezplot(sol,[-2 2])
hold on;
ezplot(s,[-2 2])
Please answer

jagathi medempudi
jagathi medempudi 2020년 8월 27일
What is the mat lab command for solving differential equation
Select one:
a. differentiation
b. dsolve
c. int
d. diff


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