Colorbar color range always from 0-1, even when altering limits

조회 수: 15 (최근 30일)
Ida 2015년 10월 13일
댓글: Ida 2015년 10월 14일
Hello, I have a gui in which I display a 2D image and an associated colorbar. When I change the limits of the colorbar, the color range still only goes from 0 to 1, even if I use the limits e.g. -4 to 5 (see attached image for an example). Note that the image is displayed correctly, i.e. within the right range. The colorbar is not however. In the gui, I have an empty axes object called axesColorbar.
handles.colorbar = colorbar(handles.axesColorbar);
set( handles.colorbar, 'Limits',[-1.5 4.5] );
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you! Sincerely, Ida

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015년 10월 13일
Changing the colorbar limits does not affect the data in the graph.
Either what is being drawn has limits 0 to 1, or else caxis is set to 0 to 1 for the axes.
  댓글 수: 1
Ida 2015년 10월 14일
Hi Walter and thanks for your reply!
Indeed, changing caxis as caxis([lowlim highlim]) did update the colorbar colors as well! thank you!

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