Matlab: Reading in data from an excel spreadsheet as a single integer

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Louis 2011년 12월 22일
I am reading in data from an excel spreadsheet, but I am unable to use a comparison on what I read in. How can I read in a cell from an excel spreadsheet and compare what I get to a number? I'm pretty sure anything read from a spreadsheet is made into an array Here is the relevant code (edit: I'll give the whole code of what I have; edit2: Minor fixes, but being so new to MatLab, I think I'm not familiar with how to declare a variable):
>> for k = 2:4997
colF = 'F';
colE = 'E';
row = int2str(k);
entryF = strcat(colF, row);
entryE = strcat(colE,row);
millisecond = xlsread('someFile.xlsx', 1, entryE);
[~,message] = xlsread('someFile.xlsx', 1, entryF);
if millisecond == 1
soundMoment = 0;
elseif strcmp(message, 'probe_sound')
soundMoment = millisecond;
if soundMoment == 0
xlswrite('someFile.xlsx', 'preprobe', 1, entryF);
elseif millisecond > soundMoment
xlswrite('someFile.xlsx', 'postprobe', 1, entryF);
  댓글 수: 25
Aldin 2011년 12월 23일
In MATLAB there is no declaration such as in JAVA we have int, float, double, string...
Aldin 2011년 12월 23일
Did that do what you want? If so, mark it as "solved."

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답변 (2개)

Aldin 2011년 12월 22일
Here is the right code for getting data from excel doc.
[~,name] = xlsread('test.xlsx',1,'A1')

Aldin 2011년 12월 22일
Edit your code with this:
[~,message] = xlsread('someFile.xlsx', 1, entryF);
your code seems to be OK


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