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how to give path to save my result data in a directory

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tiwa Romuald
Tiwa Romuald 2015년 9월 24일
댓글: Star Strider 2015년 10월 2일
hi, I'm new in matlab. please I would like to save the result of this function in a precilly directory. so that i could take it's this is have a this function:
url = '';
fh = imshow(ss, 'Parent', handles.axes1);

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2015년 9월 24일
Try this:
url = '';
file_name = 'shot.jpg';
status = urlwrite(url, file_name);
This is inadvertently untested. I got the error:
Error using urlreadwrite (line 98)
Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be down or your proxy settings improperly
However you may be able to access it.
  댓글 수: 4
Tiwa Romuald
Tiwa Romuald 2015년 10월 2일
Hi,now iwould like to have Video stream from my same ipcam. please escuse my english because i'm speak french language Thank you
Star Strider
Star Strider 2015년 10월 2일
My pleasure.
Please begin a new Question about the video stream from your ipcam. That is not an area of my expertise. Others here are likely better able to Answer it.
In your new Question, describe what you want to do, including the details of your ipcam network connectivity and protocols, what you have already attempted (please include or attach the relevant parts of your code), and what you have done that has or has not worked. If your code has thrown an error, please also copy all the red text from the Command Window and include it in your Question. Also, mention what relevant Toolboxes you have (for example, the ‘Computer Vision System Toolbox’ if you have it).
You need not apologise. Your English is almost infinitely better than my French!

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