Is there a way to perform queries on object collections?
조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Hi, I know I can use arrayfun to call a method on each object in an array, but is there a way to perform queries across the array?
This is a made up example, but if I have a class
classdef Employee
salary = 0; %Set later
And I have an array of instances of this class
staff = [employee1 employee2 employee3 ..... employeeN];
Is there an easy way I can write a query to get, say, the 3 Employees with the largest salarys?
Thanks for any help, just give me a shout if this isn't clear.
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
2011년 12월 16일
Use comma separated list syntax
staff = [employee1 employee2 employee3 ..... employeeN];
salary = [staff.salary];
[~, i] = sort(salary, 2, 'descend');
top3 = staff(i(1:3))
Keep in mind that if you ever want to subclass your Employee class (into e.g. Secretary and Manager classes) you won't be able to store them all in the same array without converting them all into simple Employee objects.
추가 답변 (1개)
Sean de Wolski
2011년 12월 16일
Instead of having each employee be its own variable ( like this ) have an employer class with employees as properties and salaries as properties.
There are many example available from the documentation for classdef.
참고 항목
Help Center 및 File Exchange에서 Construct and Work with Object Arrays에 대해 자세히 알아보기
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