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How to import and plot data from a series of similar text files

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Md. Golam Mostafa
Md. Golam Mostafa 2015년 8월 20일
마감: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021년 8월 20일
I have about 500 text files each of them contains numeric data of same type. I could import the entire dataset from one file and plot the data of column 1 vs. data of column 7 by using the following script:
Now I need to get separate plots of column 1 vs. column 7 of all the 500 files. How can I get it?
However, now I placed all the files in a directory and used the following script to read the file names:
filesFolder = 'nameoffolder/';
allTextFiles = dir([filesFolder,'*.txt']);
numberOfTextFiles = numel(allTextFiles);
nameOfTextFiles = {allTextFiles.name};
Now need to read those files one by one.

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