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Is there a workaround in the Polyspace tool to avoid justified checks from showing up again?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
In Polyspace, after the verification run, we go and justify some checks, especially the orange ones, according to our understanding if they aren't real checks.
So, is there a way to not see them again in the next run?

답변 (1개)

Matt Rhodes
Matt Rhodes 2017년 5월 15일
Hi Ali-
With both Code Prover and Bug Finder, when you justify a finding, it is very important that justifications can be validated in the future. Rather than keeping a hidden database of items that should never show up again, it is more beneficial to simply provide you a way of filtering your results so that you can focus on the findings that are not marked as justified.
Below I have captured an image of how to use this filtering. You'll notice that I'm filtering on the Status column. You can filter on any column, however, I chose to use the Status column as it is directly tied to the Justified status in newer versions of Polyspace. This is done to save effort for the user, and reduce the number of clicks required.
You can change which statuses are automatically justified by going to the Polyspace menus and navigating to "Tools" then "Preferences." When the preferences window comes up, you can navigate to the "Review Statuses" tab to change which statuses are associated with being "Justified." At the bottom of the window is where you can add custom statuses that match your process or workflow. Check the box if you want them to be considered "Justified." You can also change the settings for the built in statuses as to which you want to be considered justified.
If you'd like, you can right-click on any column header in order to select which columns you want to see on display. Doing this will allow you to add a column that is explicitly for the Justified Status.
By the way, when you are using this workflow, sometimes you want to clear all of your filters again. You can do this quickly by clicking on the "Showing #/##" drop-down menu at the top of the results list. This menu is telling you how many results you are seeing as a result of your current filtering. The menu that pops up provides a list of active filters, as well as a button to clear all active filters. Here is a picture of where to find this:


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