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Sum of a list of numbers if they're a certain value or not

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Daniel 2011년 12월 4일
I have a list of numbers, and I'm trying to determine the sum of all of the numbers that have a value less than 55. I know that this will involve some sort of logic set-up, but I'm not familiar with how to set it up exactly. Any help is really appreciated.

채택된 답변

bym 2011년 12월 4일
Or even (without using sum)
for x being a matrix
x = randi(100,20,20);
sx = x(:).'*(x(:)<55);
  댓글 수: 4
Daniel 2011년 12월 5일
Thank you! Worked like a charm. Can you explain what the code is doing though? I really appreciate it.
bym 2011년 12월 5일
reading from left to right the line x(:).'*(x(:)<55);
x(:) returns all elements of x in a column (see doc colon)
.' transposes x(:)from column to row
* is matrix multiply
(x(:)<55) returns a column of 1's & 0's (1 is true x(n),55)
in summary, you are transforming the matrix in to 1 row and matrix multiplying it by a column of boolean values generated by the logical test. The addition is implicit in the matrix multiply

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추가 답변 (2개)

bym 2011년 12월 4일
sx = sum(x(x<=55))
  댓글 수: 2
Daniel 2011년 12월 4일
This didn't work. Should I mention that the list of numbers are in matrix form?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 12월 4일
sx = sum(x(x(:) <= 55));

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 12월 4일
sum(x .* (x <= 55))
  댓글 수: 8
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011년 12월 5일
No, that's not it. It works just fine with <=. I just changed it to less than because that's what you said. But <= will also work fine - just try it. There must have been some other reason that you're not telling us and we don't know because you didn't share your code.
Jan 2011년 12월 6일
@Walter: What about logical indexing? FIND is not useful here:

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