extracting the lines of interest to a matrix from a text

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Homayoon 2015년 6월 11일
편집: per isakson 2015년 6월 22일
Dear All, I have tried for about two hours but I could not figure what the problem is with the code. So sorry to repost it to the forum!
I have a huge text file in the following format:
timestep 455
No_Specs 3
H2 49
H2O2 1
O2 49
timestep 460
No_Specs 3
H2 49
H2O2 1
O2 49
timestep 465
No_Specs 2
H2 50
O2 50
As you can see the text file includes a lot of loops, each consisting of 4-10 lines. What I want is simply report the number written in front of timestep to the first column of a matrix. Also, I need to find 'HO2 ' [ To avoid confusion the extra space is needed ] for any of the loops and report the number in front of it in the second column of that matrix! Obviously if there is not any 'HO2 ' in a loop the associated number to that that row is zero!
Here is the code:
while ischar(l)
ii=diff([idx numel(r)+1])-1;
for k=1:numel(b);
jj=find(~cellfun(@isempty,regexp(s,'(?=HO2 ).+')));
if isempty(c)
M=[b' f']
Problem with the code is , the elements of the second column are all zero !!! I hope you might be able to help me! I appreciate your helps! Best
  댓글 수: 2
per isakson
per isakson 2015년 6월 11일
편집: per isakson 2015년 6월 11일
  • "number written in front of timestep to" &nbsp is that the number to the right of the string, timestep ?
  • What has xlswrite and fprintf to do with the question?
Why don't you provide a sample of how you want the result?
Homayoon 2015년 6월 11일
Dear Sir, Okay! for the example in the problem , the result for H2O2 should be in the following format:
455 1
460 1
465 0

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채택된 답변

per isakson
per isakson 2015년 6월 12일
편집: per isakson 2015년 6월 22일
An alternate approach. The function cssm transfers the entire content of the text file to a structure array. This structure is then used for reporting.
"a huge text file" this approach requires that the string content of the text file together with the structure fits in memory.
>> out = cssm()
out =
3x1 struct array with fields:
>> for jj = 1 : 3, fprintf( '%8d%8d\n', out(jj).timestep, out(jj).H2O2 ), end
455 1
460 1
465 0
>> permute( [ out.timestep; out.H2O2 ], [2,1] )
ans =
455 1
460 1
465 0
function out = cssm()
str = fileread( 'H2O2.txt' );
section_separator = '[\*]{30,}'; % a row of at least 30 "*"
cac = strsplit( str, section_separator ...
, 'DelimiterType', 'RegularExpression' );
cac( cellfun( @isempty, cac ) ) = [];
len = length( cac );
names = create_list_of_names_( cac );
out = initiate_structure_( len, names, 0 );
for jj = 1 : len
out(jj) = parse_one_section_( cac{jj}, out(jj) );
function sas = parse_one_section_( str, sas )
cac = textscan( str, '%s%f' );
for jj = 1 : length( cac{1,1} )
sas.( cac{1,1}{jj} ) = cac{1,2}(jj);
function cac = create_list_of_names_( sections )
str = cat( 2, sections{:} );
cac = textscan( str, '%s%*f' );
cac = permute( unique( cac{1} ), [2,1] );
function sas = initiate_structure_( len, names, val )
cell_values = num2cell( val( ones(len,length(names)) ) );
sas = cell2struct( cell_values, names, 2 );

추가 답변 (1개)

Guillaume 2015년 6월 11일
편집: Guillaume 2015년 6월 11일
You're way overcomplicating it:
content = fileread('fic.txt'); %read all file at once:
tsteps = regexp(content, 'timestep\s+(\d+)\s+[^*]*?(HO2\s+\d+|\*)', 'tokens');
out = cell2mat(cellfun(@(tstep) [str2double(tstep{1}) str2double(regexp(tstep{2}, '\d+', 'match', 'once'))], tsteps', 'UniformOutput', false))
The first regular expression capture the first number after 'timestep, then matches anything but '*' until it finds 'HO2' followed by a number or a '*'. The 'HO2' with number or the '*' is the second capture. (Unfortunately you can't capture just the number due to limitations of matlab regular expression engine. You can't have a capture within a non-capturing group). In the end, for each timestep you get a cell containing a 1x2 cell array whose 1st cell is the timestep, and 2nd cell is the 'HO2' line if present or '*' if not.
The 2nd regular expression extract the number from the 'HO2' line and pass it to str2double (along with the timestep). If there's no 'HO2' line, then regexp return empty which str2double converts to NaN.
Note that your example does not have an HO2 line!
  댓글 수: 2
Homayoon 2015년 6월 11일
Thanks Guillaume! However, the code failed in capturing the real values for HO2! The code has no problem in reporting time steps and you were right if there is no HO2 the cell would be empty! But once there is a line started with HO2 then the cell always showed number 2!!! No matter what the real value is
Guillaume 2015년 6월 11일
Oh! of course, it's capturing the '2' of 'HO2'. Just replace the second regular expression by
regexp(tstep{2}, '(?<=HO2\s+)\d+', 'match', 'once')

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