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how to put vectors with different size in one matrix and how to suppress the NAN in this matrix

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hello, I have two difficulties with my script, the first is that I have vectors with different size et I want to create a matrix and then to fill with my different vectors but I think I do the wrong thing with Mat=[ 10000,11] . The other thing is that I want clearly to suppress all NAN in my matrix only in my vector TR_NAN. Have you an idea please?
filename = 'C:\Users\williot\Dropbox\UQTR 2013 - 2015\E-Prime\exp 2 ÉNPQ\eye-tracking\données brutes 30 aspirants\test_matlab.xlsx';
%'E:\exp 2 ÉNPQ bis\Cueing + TRV\test_script_matlab.xlsx';
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(filename);
%--création matrice Mat---------------------------------------------
Sujets = num(:,1);
Essais = num(:,30);%82
TR_NAN = num(:,115);%104
TR_acc = num(:,112);%101
validite = txt(:,147);%138
contenu = txt(:,112);%101
question = txt(:,143);%134
procedure = txt(:,137);%68
bloc = txt(:,95);%84
running = txt(:,92);%137
Data_OK = [];
% Mat = [1009 138]
Mat = [Sujets Essais TR_NAN TR_acc Data_OK validite ...
contenu question procedure bloc running];
Mat(isnan(Mat(:,3)),:) = [];
%--exclusion des TR à + ou - 2ET------------------------------------
for suj = 1 :length (Sujets);
Moy_TR = mean (TR_NAN);
ET_TR = std(TR_NAN);
Data_OK = TR_NAN((TR_NAN>Moy_TR-2*ET_TR) & (TR_NAN>Moy_TR+2*ET_TR));
%--CONSTRUCTION D'UN FICHIER DE SORTIE-------------------------
%Création de la Matrice finale------------------------------------------------
Mat_out = [Sujets Essais TR_NAN TR_acc Data_OK validite ...
contenu question procedure bloc running];
%--nom fichier------avec excel titre col---------------------
%--ouverture fichier
fid=fopen (path_and_name_file,'wt');
%titre colonne-----------------------------------------------
fprintf(fid,'Sujets;Essais;TR_NAN;TR_acc;Data_OK;validite;contenu; ...
for n=1:length(Mat_out);

채택된 답변

Alexandre Williot
Alexandre Williot 2015년 7월 15일
편집: Alexandre Williot 2015년 7월 15일
Thank you, here what I needed,
Essais =[];
Essais = num(:,93);
Pos_OK=find(Essais ~= 0);
Pos_OK1=find(Essais == 0);
txt= txt(Pos_OK,:);
raw= raw(Pos_OK,:);
Essais = num(:,93);

추가 답변 (1개)

dpb 2015년 5월 20일
Matlab can only treat "ragged" arrays as a cell array. Use the "curlies" ( {} ) to place an array in a cell array location.
for ix=1:N
C will be a cell array of length N arranged as a row vector by default.
I don't follow the question regarding the NaN, sorry.


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