Improving Simulink/Simscape performance

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Benjamin Alvarez
Benjamin Alvarez 2015년 5월 18일
댓글: Benjamin Alvarez 2015년 5월 18일
I am working with huge simscape models and start to experience memory trouble. I am working with Windows 7 32bits version and a 4GB RAM computer.
I would like to know best things to do in priority :
- change for a 64 bits computer, Windows, Matlab
- increase RAM
Thanks for your help,

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015년 5월 18일
If the error is "object too big" then your first priority is to switch to a 64 bit version.
If the error is "out of memory" then your first priority is to set the /3GB flag in your boot.ini
If your /3GB boot.ini is already set, then you will need to switch to a 64 bit version.
If you run a 64 bit version of MATLAB on a system with 4 Gb, and use a lot of memory, then you are probably going to end up using swap space. This could make the simulation take a long time. But it would at least run. Because a simulation that finishes eventually is better than one that doesn't run at all.
You'd be better off going 64 Gb and getting more memory.
  댓글 수: 1
Benjamin Alvarez
Benjamin Alvarez 2015년 5월 18일
Perfect, thanks for your fast and precise answer Walter !

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