I Need correct or rewrite code

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Moustafa 2024년 11월 7일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2024년 11월 7일
Dear all;
Please I need to correct or rewrite the following code to get the depths displaed as to some extent like figure in the annexed file based on a rule you extracted from data (the Excel file of data is annexed also)
close all;
% MATLAB Code for Faulted Layer Analysis
% Constants
G = 6.67430e-3; % Gravitational constant in m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 (scaled for this application)
% Density for different sediment layers
rho_profile_1 = 2.430;
rho_profile_2 = 2.580;
rho_profile_3 = 2.780;
rho_profile_4 = 2.670;
rho_profile_5 = 2.800;
rho_sediments = [rho_profile_1, rho_profile_2, rho_profile_3, rho_profile_4, rho_profile_5];
N = length(rho_sediments); % Number of sediment layers
rho_average = sum(rho_sediments) / N; % Average density of sediments (g/cm^3)
rho_profile_6 = 2.840; % Density of basement rock (g/cm^3)
% Density contrasts for different sediment layers
rho_cont_profile_1 = rho_profile_1 - rho_profile_6;
rho_cont_profile_2 = rho_profile_2 - rho_profile_6;
rho_cont_profile_3 = rho_profile_3 - rho_profile_6;
rho_cont_profile_4 = rho_profile_4 - rho_profile_6;
rho_cont_profile_5 = rho_profile_5 - rho_profile_6;
rho_cont_profile_6 = rho_average - rho_profile_6;
% Load Bouguer gravity anomaly profile from Excel file
% Load the Excel data
filename = 'Kifl oil field_Iraq.xlsx'; % Profile of Bouguer KIFL OIL.xlsx Kifl oil field_Iraq
data = xlsread(filename, 'Sheet1');
% Extract relevant columns
x = data(:, 1); % Distance (x in km)
g = data(:, 2); % Bouguer gravity anomaly (g in mGal)
% Model
g_profile_1 = 2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_1 * 0.6;
g_profile_2 = 2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_2 * 1.0;
g_profile_3 = 2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_3 * 1.950;
g_profile_4 = 2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_4 * 2.950;
g_profile_5 = 2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_5 * 4.00;
g_profile_6 = 2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_6 * 8.00;
% Depths
z1 = abs(g-g_profile_1 / (2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_1));
z2 = abs(g-g_profile_2 / (2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_2));
z3 = abs(g-g_profile_3 / (2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_3));
z4 = abs(g-g_profile_4 / (2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_4));
z5 = abs(g-g_profile_5 / (2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_5));
z6 = abs(g-g_profile_6 / (2 * pi * G * rho_cont_profile_6));
% Collect depth profiles in a cell array
z_profiles = {z1, z2, z3, z4, z5, z6};
% Apply the logical condition to eliminate depth increases
for i = 1:length(z_profiles)
for j = 2:length(z_profiles{i})
% Check if current depth exceeds the previous depth
if z_profiles{i}(j) < z_profiles{i}(j-1)
%z_profiles{i}(j) > z_profiles{i}(j-1)
% Set depth to previous depth value to eliminate increase
z_profiles{i}(j) = z_profiles{i}(j-1);
% Calculate dip angles and fault types
location_km = x(2:end); % Exclude first point to match dip angle array size
dip_angle_deg = zeros(length(location_km), 1); % Pre-allocate for dip angles
fault_type = cell(length(location_km), 1); % Pre-allocate for fault types
for i = 2:length(x)
x_fault = x(i) - x(i-1);
delta_z = z_profiles{end}(i) - z_profiles{end}(i-1);
dip_angle_deg(i-1) = atand(delta_z / x_fault);
% Assign fault type based on dip angle
if dip_angle_deg(i-1) == 90
fault_type{i-1} = 'Vertical';
elseif dip_angle_deg(i-1) > 30 && dip_angle_deg(i-1) < 70
fault_type{i-1} = 'Normal';
elseif dip_angle_deg(i-1) >= 70
fault_type{i-1} = 'Reverse';
fault_type{i-1} = 'Normal';
% Create fault analysis table
fault_analysis_table = table(location_km, fault_type, dip_angle_deg, ...
'VariableNames', {'Location_km', 'Fault_Type', 'Dip_Angle_deg'});
% Display the filtered results for specific locations
locations_to_display = [8.5; 14; 21.5];
filtered_results = fault_analysis_table(ismember(fault_analysis_table.Location_km, locations_to_display), :);
if ~isempty(filtered_results)
disp('Fault Analysis Results for specified locations:');
% Plot Bouguer anomaly profile
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(x, g, 'b', 'LineWidth', 1);
title('Bouguer Anomaly');
xlabel('Distance (km)');
ylabel('Gravity (mGal)');
grid on;
% Plot inverted depth profiles and find intersections with depth = 0
subplot(2, 1, 2);
hold on;
colors = {'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'm'};
for i = 1:length(z_profiles) - 1
plot(x, z_profiles{i}, 'Color', colors{i}, 'LineWidth', 1);
% Plot the final profile (basement depth) with black color
plot(x, z_profiles{end}, 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
title('Inverted Depth Profiles for Faulted Layers');
xlabel('Distance (km)');
ylabel('Depth (km)');
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
grid on;
% Define the horizontal horizon value
horizon_value = 0;
% Plot the horizontal horizon line
plot(x, horizon_value * ones(size(x)), 'k--', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Define the horizontal horizon value
horizon_value = 0;
% Plot the horizontal horizon line
plot(x, horizon_value * ones(size(x)), 'k--', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Find and plot intersections with the horizontal horizon
for i = 1:length(z_profiles) - 1
z_profile = z_profiles{i};
crossings = find(diff(sign(z_profile - horizon_value)) ~= 0);
for j = 1:length(crossings)
idx = crossings(j);
x_cross = x(idx) + (horizon_value - z_profile(idx)) * (x(idx+1) - x(idx)) / (z_profile(idx+1) - z_profile(idx));
z_cross = horizon_value;
plot([x_cross, x_cross], [min(z_profiles{end}), max(z_profiles{end})], 'k--', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
dip_angle_label = sprintf('%.2f°', dip_angle_deg(idx));
text(x_cross, z_cross, dip_angle_label, 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
'Color', 'red', 'FontSize', 8);
hold off;
legend('Profile1', 'Profile2', 'Profile3', 'Profile4', 'Profile5', 'depth_basement', 'Location', 'Best');
% Plot all profiles in figure 2
hold on;
colors = {'r', 'g', 'b', 'y', 'm', 'k'};
for i = 1:length(z_profiles)
plot(x, z_profiles{i}, 'Color', colors{i}, 'LineWidth', 1);
title('Inverted Depth Profiles for Faulted Layers');
xlabel('Distance (km)');
ylabel('Depth (km)');
set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse');
grid on;
  댓글 수: 6
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2024년 11월 7일
Please don't post follow-up comments with additional information as answers. Reserve messages in the Answers section of this page for things that are suggestions that may resolve the problem. Post additional information as comments instead.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 11월 7일
"See please my annexed files with my trail"
Unfortunately, that does not give us any more information about what specific help you are hoping we will provide.

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