Hello there,
I have a datasets containing y-values in multi-years time series. My intention is getting the plot of monthly mean and its shaded error bars. The datasets contain long span of months which crossing the following year, i.e. in my datasets (attached) there from February, 2020 until December 2022.
But, at first, I want to get the data cleaned by selecting only y-value with a certain range. Here is my first sight code:
T = readtable('datamine');
Tr = table2timetable(T, 'RowTimes','time');
Tx = table(Tr.time,Tr.value_y,'VariableNames',{'time_a','val'});
idx = Tx.val>= 12 & Tx.val< 13.4;
Tx_mean = retime(Tx(idx,:),'monthly','mean');
Tx_std = retime(Tx(idx,:),'monthly',@std);
I tried to use directly retime function but it failed. Anyone know to get continous monthly mean and its shaded error bars properly?
More or less, the plot should be like this. The x-axis is continous months, crossing the following years: