Sub-sampling with mean value of a datasets including time

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Adi Purwandana
Adi Purwandana 2024년 10월 11일
댓글: Star Strider 2024년 10월 12일
Hello everyone,
I have an excel datasets containing parameters: data_x, data_y, and time in date format (see attached file). My intention is to get a sub-sampled datasets from those datasets, and plot them properly using scatter plot of data_x, data_y with colormap of the time. Please see the logic as follow:
Let's say, the new sub-sampled data is the mean of six rows as shown above. Anyone has suggestion to get it and also the scatter plots with time evolution of the colorbar?
Thank you!

채택된 답변

Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 10월 11일
편집: Star Strider 2024년 10월 12일
I am not certain how the means whould be calculated. If you want to calculatee the means of every six rows, that is relatively straightforward.
Try this —
T1 = readtable('data_sheet.xlsx')
T1 = 125374x3 table
data_x data_y time ______ ______ ____________________ 693.6 5.9303 24-Sep-1900 16:21:41 692.77 6.0661 24-Sep-1900 16:31:42 692.53 5.9347 24-Sep-1900 16:41:42 692.38 6.1196 24-Sep-1900 16:51:41 692.41 6.388 24-Sep-1900 17:01:42 692.46 6.457 24-Sep-1900 17:11:41 692.45 6.509 24-Sep-1900 17:21:42 692.47 6.5098 24-Sep-1900 17:31:41 692.47 6.5127 24-Sep-1900 17:41:42 692.56 6.4884 24-Sep-1900 17:51:41 692.62 6.5359 24-Sep-1900 18:01:42 692.73 6.5468 24-Sep-1900 18:11:42 692.79 6.4673 24-Sep-1900 18:21:41 692.87 6.4184 24-Sep-1900 18:31:42 692.97 6.4411 24-Sep-1900 18:41:41 693.06 6.6523 24-Sep-1900 18:51:42
VN = T1.Properties.VariableNames;
cols = size(T1,1)/6;
idx = ones(6,fix(cols)) .* (1:fix(cols));
ans = 125370
T2 = T1(1:numel(idx),:);
T3xyc = accumarray(idx(:), (1:numel(idx)).', [], @(x){mean(T2{x,1:2})});
T3xy = cell2mat(T3xyc);
T3dn = accumarray(idx(:), (1:numel(idx)).', [], @(x)mean(datenum(T2{x,3})));
T3t = datetime(T3dn,'ConvertFrom','datenum');
T3 = table(T3xy(:,1), T3xy(:,2), T3t, 'VariableNames',VN)
T3 = 20895x3 table
data_x data_y time ______ ______ ____________________ 692.69 6.1493 24-Sep-1900 16:46:41 692.55 6.5171 24-Sep-1900 17:46:42 693.02 6.5385 24-Sep-1900 18:46:41 693.65 6.5179 24-Sep-1900 19:46:41 694.15 6.383 24-Sep-1900 20:46:42 694.34 6.3639 24-Sep-1900 21:46:41 693.87 6.4078 24-Sep-1900 22:46:41 692.64 6.1501 24-Sep-1900 23:46:42 691.97 6.1146 25-Sep-1900 00:46:41 691.52 6.1638 25-Sep-1900 01:46:41 691.76 6.0999 25-Sep-1900 02:46:42 692.25 6.1637 25-Sep-1900 03:46:41 692.54 6.1635 25-Sep-1900 04:46:41 692.63 5.8761 25-Sep-1900 05:46:42 693.07 6.3467 25-Sep-1900 06:46:41 693.44 6.304 25-Sep-1900 07:46:41
[tmin,tmax] = bounds(T3.time)
tmin = datetime
24-Sep-1900 16:46:41
tmax = datetime
12-Feb-1903 06:46:41
doy = day(T3.time, 'dayofyear');
doy = doy + cumsum([0; diff(doy)<0])*max(doy);
doyHH = doy + hour(T3.time)/24 + minute(T3.time) + second(T3.time); % Day (Of Year) + Hour (24 Hour) + Minute + Second
% figure
% plot(T1.t, doy)
% grid
scatter(T3.data_x, T3.data_y, 10, doyHH, 's', 'filled')
hcb = colorbar;
cbtixidx = ismember(doyHH, hcb.Ticks);
hcb.TickLabels = string(T1.time(cbtixidx));
hcb.FontSize = 8;
title('Scatter Plot Coloured By Date')
scatter3(T3.data_x, T3.data_y, doyHH, 10, doyHH, 's', 'filled')
grid on
hcb = colorbar;
cbtixidx = ismember(doyHH, hcb.Ticks);
hcb.TickLabels = string(T1.time(cbtixidx));
hcb.FontSize = 8;
Ax = gca;
% Ax.ZTick
ztixidx = ismember(doyHH, Ax.ZTick);
tl = interp1(doyHH, T3.time, Ax.ZTick, 'linear','extrap');
Ax.ZTickLabel = string(tl);
Ax.ZAxis.FontSize = 8;
title('3D Scatter Plot Coloured By Date')
EDIT — (12 Oct 2024 at 00:03)
Initially forgot to calculate the mean values of ‘T1’.
  댓글 수: 4
Adi Purwandana
Adi Purwandana 2024년 10월 12일
Awesome! Thank you very much @Star Strider!
Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 10월 12일
As always, my pleasure!

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