Given the spectrum of a signal x(t) , What is the minimum sample rate that would allow for x[n] to be recoverable?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
So the specturm of the signal x(t) looks like the following , x axis is frequency:
Here I got this questions:
What is the minimum sample rate that would allow for x[n] to be recoverable?
Recoverable here means the shape of the spectrum is maintained but its placement on the
x-asix will vary, i.e. the spectrum will be centered on 0. It might be helpful to draw both
0 → 2π and 2π → 4π to answer the question.
My thought is that f_nyquist > f_max = 1250, so fs = 2*f_nyquist = 2500
However, when I draw specturm when fs = 2000 and fs=1000, it seems that the shape of original specturm is maintained:
So I wonder what is the minimum sample rate that would allow for x[n] to be recoverable? Is it because the shape of the two rectangle is the same and are symmetric so we can have lower minimum sample rate?

답변 (2개)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 10월 7일
This is a square wave. The fourier transform of a square wave consists of an infinite series of odd harmonics;
Therefore the minimum bandwidth to reproduce the square wave is infinite.

Paul 2024년 10월 9일
Hi Zhen,
Your question isn't really about Matlab. You might get more traction on a signal processing forum, like
But we can use Matlab to help draw the diagrams.
First, define the Fourier transform of x(t)
X = @(f) double(abs(f) <= 1250 & abs(f) >= 750);
To draw the spectrum of the sampled signal x[n] = x(n*T) we need to add to X(f) copies of X(f) shifted at integer multiples of Fs.
Let Fs = 1500, for example.
Fs = 1600;
The we can plot a portion of the spectrum (using only the first four copies) of the sampled signal as
f = -5000:5000;
plot(f,X(f) + X(f-Fs) + X(f+Fs) + X(f-2*Fs) + X(f+2*Fs)),grid
Maybe you can try a similar approach to compare to your hand sketches.


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