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How i get a graph that i attached here with this matlab code?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Sharqa 2024년 8월 16일
댓글: Cris LaPierre 2024년 8월 21일
phi = 0.1000
phi = 0.2000
phi = 0.3000
phi = 0.4000
function HTP()
clear all format long % hybrid Carreau
% Define constants
J1 = 0.1;
J2 = 0.1;
J3 = 0.1;
J4 = 0.1;
JS = 0.1;
z = 0.1;
S = 0.1;
GC = 0.1;
Gr = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
a = 0.1;
m = 1;
G = 0.5;
phi = 0.1;
% Define time vector
t = linspace(0, 5, 100); % 100 points between 0 and 5
%t= 1;
% Calculate u1 and u2
u1 = exp(-t) - 1;
% Compute u2 with corrected parentheses and mathematical operations
exp_t = exp(t); % Compute exp(t) once for efficiency
term1 = -33 / J1 * (1 - exp_t - z / 3 * S);
term2 = 2 * GC * J3 + 2 * Gr * J2;
term3 = (2 * J4 * H * a^2) / (1 + m^2);
term4 = 3 * G * exp_t + 6 * exp_t / ((1 - phi)^2.5);
term5 = 2 * GC * JS * exp_t + 2 * Gr * J2 * exp_t;
u2 = (term1 + term2 - term3 - term4 - term5 + term3 * (exp_t - m + m * exp_t)) / (6 * a);
% Compute u
y = 1; % Define y as 1 or another constant value; adjust as needed
u = u1 * y + u2 * y.^2;
% Plot the result
phi = 0.1
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi= 0.2
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.3
figure ;
plot(t, u);
phi = 0.4
figure ;
plot(t, u);
xlabel('Time (t)');
title('Plot of u(t)');
axis([0 5 min(u) max(u)]);
grid on;
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 8월 16일
clear all format long
First off, that should likely be
clear all
format long
Secondly: clear all within a function is a waste of time at best, and can lead to execution problems at worst. There is no need to clear all within a function.
I recommend against using clc within a function as well.

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답변 (2개)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2024년 8월 16일
One problem is that ‘term4’ and therefore ‘u2’ and ‘u’ should be functions of ‘phi’ and they are not originally. However changing that does not change the plots, leading me to believe that there is a coding error somewhere in ‘u’. You need to find it and fix it. Also, if you want all of the plots in the same axes, use the hold function rather than plotting them in individual figure objects.
Q = 1x100
1.0e+04 * -0.001368015498012 0.001395472200257 0.004302612268278 0.007360821699399 0.010577902910592 0.013962063648777 0.017521937931270 0.021266608073767 0.025205627862078 0.029349046926730 0.033707436382604 0.038291915799052 0.043114181569278 0.048186536751372 0.053521922457137 0.059133950868772 0.065036939967669 0.071245950063909 0.077776822219672 0.084646218664570 0.091871665306041 0.099471596443228 0.107465401798460 0.115873475986291 0.124717270546330 0.134019348672603 0.143803442779087 0.154094515048271 0.164918821117233 0.176303977063707
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
phi =
phi =
phi =
phi =
function HTP()
% clc
% clear all
format long % hybrid Carreau
% Define constants
J1 = 0.1;
J2 = 0.1;
J3 = 0.1;
J4 = 0.1;
JS = 0.1;
z = 0.1;
S = 0.1;
GC = 0.1;
Gr = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
a = 0.1;
m = 1;
G = 0.5;
phi = 0.1;
% Define time vector
t = linspace(0, 5, 100); % 100 points between 0 and 5
%t= 1;
% Calculate u1 and u2
u1 = exp(-t) - 1;
% Compute u2 with corrected parentheses and mathematical operations
exp_t = exp(t); % Compute exp(t) once for efficiency
term1 = -33 / J1 * (1 - exp_t - z / 3 * S);
term2 = 2 * GC * J3 + 2 * Gr * J2;
term3 = (2 * J4 * H * a^2) / (1 + m^2);
term4 = @(phi) 3 * G * exp_t + 6 * exp_t / ((1 - phi)^2.5);
term5 = 2 * GC * JS * exp_t + 2 * Gr * J2 * exp_t;
u2 = @(phi) (term1 + term2 - term3 - term4(phi) - term5 + term3 * (exp_t - m + m * exp_t)) / (6 * a);
% Compute u
y = 1; % Define y as 1 or another constant value; adjust as needed
u = @(phi) u1 * y + u2(phi) * y.^2;
% Plot the result
phi = 0.1
figure ;
plot(t, u(phi));
phi= 0.2
figure ;
plot(t, u(phi));
phi = 0.3
figure ;
plot(t, u(phi));
phi = 0.4
figure ;
plot(t, u(phi));
xlabel('Time (t)');
title('Plot of u(t)');
axis([0 5 min(u(phi)) max(u(phi))]);
grid on;

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2024년 8월 16일
Right now, you just plot the same line 4 times: plot(t,u)
Changing the value of phi will not change the value of u. You must recalculate it. Here, I use anonymous functions for that purpose.
Also, use hold on and hold off without figure commands to add multiple lines to the same figure. See Ch 9 of MATLAB Onramp for more details.
Use text and/or annotation to add annotations to your plot.
% Define constants
J1 = 0.1;
J2 = 0.1;
J3 = 0.1;
J4 = 0.1;
JS = 0.1;
z = 0.1;
S = 0.1;
GC = 0.1;
Gr = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
a = 0.1;
m = 1;
G = 0.5;
% Define time vector
t = linspace(0, 5, 100); % 100 points between 0 and 5
% Calculate u1 and u2
u1 = exp(-t) - 1;
% Compute u2 with corrected parentheses and mathematical operations
exp_t = exp(t); % Compute exp(t) once for efficiency
term1 = -33 / J1 * (1 - exp_t - z / 3 * S);
term2 = 2 * GC * J3 + 2 * Gr * J2;
term3 = (2 * J4 * H * a^2) / (1 + m^2);
term4 = @(phi) 3 * G * exp_t + 6 * exp_t / ((1 - phi)^2.5);
term5 = 2 * GC * JS * exp_t + 2 * Gr * J2 * exp_t;
u2 = @(phi) (term1 + term2 - term3 - term4(phi) - term5 + term3 * (exp_t - m + m * exp_t)) / (6 * a);
% Compute u
y = 1; % Define y as 1 or another constant value; adjust as needed
u = @(phi) u1 * y + u2(phi) * y.^2;
% Plot the result
phi = 0.1
phi = 0.1000
figure ;
plot(t, u(phi),'k-');
hold on
phi= 0.2
phi = 0.2000
plot(t, u(phi),'k--');
phi = 0.3
phi = 0.3000
plot(t, u(phi),'k:');
phi = 0.4
phi = 0.4000
plot(t, u(phi),'k-.');
hold off
xlabel('Time (t)');
title('Plot of u(t)');
axis([0 5 min(u(phi)) max(u(phi))]);
grid on;
legend("\phi=" + [0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4])
  댓글 수: 2
Sharqa 2024년 8월 21일
But,how i get this graph?
which parameter should i change ?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2024년 8월 21일
Are you asking about the annotations or the shapes of the curve?
Have you gone through Ch 9 of MATLAB Onramp?

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