Transforming Optimization Code from Problem-Based to Solver-Based Approach in MATLAB

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Maria 2024년 8월 16일
댓글: Maria 2024년 8월 16일
I have successfully implemented an ILP problem using MATLAB's problem-based optimization approach. However, I am now looking to switch to the solver-based approach to take advantage of its flexibility and efficiency.
In the problem-based approach, I defined binary decision variables, constraints, and an objective function using optimvar, optimconstr, and optimexpr. The code works well, but I need guidance on how to transform this code into a solver-based format using intlinprog.
Here’s a summary of what I have:
Decision Variables:
A 3D binary matrix A(N, numNodes, num_vehicles) for task assignment.
A binary vector chi(num_vehicles) for satisfaction.
Other binary variables like z, t_wait_aux, etc.
Assignment constraints, dependency constraints, and time-based constraints.
I linearized expressions using auxiliary variables and max constraints.
Objective Function:
The objective is to maximize the satisfaction rate, expressed as a linear function of chi.
Could you provide guidance or directions how to systematically convert my existing problem-based variables and constraints into the matrix form required by intlinprog
Here is the code
the problem is attached.
Thank you for your continued help!
Unrecognized function or variable 'Compute_uplink_time_linear'.

Error in MyProblem (line 38)
uplink_time = Compute_uplink_time_linear(A,all_subtasks,Data_rate);

Error in run (line 112)
evalin('caller', strcat(scriptStem, ';'));
  댓글 수: 6
Maria 2024년 8월 16일
Hello @Steven Lord sorry for my late reply, I hadn't seen your comment.
prob2struct is just a suggestion to switch to solver mode. I didn't get an error but the result was weird and didn't fit the purpose. I used the problem based on the structure attached above in myProblem but I don't know if it is possible to convert the expressions into ILP statements, so I solved my problem as follows
% Solve the ILP problem
[x, fval, exitflag, output] = intlinprog(prob);

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답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2024년 8월 16일
  댓글 수: 3
Matt J
Matt J 2024년 8월 16일
편집: Matt J 2024년 8월 16일
@Maria That's not what @Torsten said. He said that he doesn't recommend moving to solver-based form at all because it is hard to make changes once the problem is in that form.
If solve() works on the problem-based formulation then prob2struct has to work. All that solve() really does internally is convert to solver-based form for you (probably using prob2struct) and then run a traditional solver.
Maria 2024년 8월 16일
@Matt J Yes, I understand. I also wanted to say that it doesn't work because it didn't give the result I wanted because the problem has different variables.
My problem for the solver based is related to the objective function because same result was display for different constraints.

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