hello, finally i found the solution.
the mistake is in the mlm.opt file
in all of your questions/answers, the selection of license is MATLAB:asset_info=xxxx . but, in our flexnet (ver.11.11) the selection of license must be MATLAB:key=xxxxxx
this is the functionaly mlm.opt file:
GROUP MATLAB_users tu yo el
GROUP MATLAB_CLASS_users pepe juan alberto
EXCLUDE MATLAB:key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GROUP MATLAB_users
EXCLUDE SIMULINK:key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GROUP MATLAB_users
INCLUDE MATLAB:key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GROUP MATLAB_CLASS_users
INCLUDE SIMULINK:key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GROUP MATLAB_CLASS_users
INCLUDE MATLAB:key=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy GROUP MATLAB_users
INCLUDE SIMULINK:key=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy GROUP MATLAB_users